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CloseReason Enum


Specifies the reason that a form was closed.

public enum class CloseReason
public enum CloseReason
type CloseReason = 
Public Enum CloseReason


None 0

The cause of the closure was not defined or could not be determined.

WindowsShutDown 1

The operating system is closing all applications before shutting down.

MdiFormClosing 2

The parent form of this multiple document interface (MDI) form is closing.

UserClosing 3

The form is closing either programmatically or through a user action in the user interface (for example, by clicking the Close button on the form window, selecting Close from the window's control menu, or pressing ALT+F4).

TaskManagerClosing 4

The Microsoft Windows Task Manager is closing the application.

In Windows 8.1 and later versions, this member is not used, because Task Manager issues the WM_SYSCOMMAND message with SC_CLOSE. In Windows 7 and earlier versions, the WM_CLOSE message was issued. This action is now indistinguishable from and misclassified as CloseReason.UserClosing.

FormOwnerClosing 5

The owner form is closing.

ApplicationExitCall 6

The Exit() method of the Application class was invoked.


The FormClosing and FormClosed events are raised when a Form is closed, either through user action or programmatically. Handlers for these events receive parameters of type FormClosingEventArgs and FormClosedEventArgs, respectively. Both of these event argument classes use the CloseReason enumeration.

Applies to

See also