Read BinaryFormatter (NRBF) payloads

BinaryFormatter used the .NET Remoting: Binary Format for serialization. This format is known by its abbreviation of MS-NRBF or just NRBF. A common challenge involved in migrating from BinaryFormatter is dealing with payloads persisted to storage as reading these payloads previously required BinaryFormatter. Some systems need to retain the ability to read these payloads for gradual migrations to new serializers while avoiding a reference to BinaryFormatter itself.

As part of .NET 9, a new NrbfDecoder class was introduced to decode NRBF payloads without performing deserialization of the payload. This API can safely be used to decode trusted or untrusted payloads without any of the risks that BinaryFormatter deserialization carries. However, NrbfDecoder merely decodes the data into structures an application can further process. Care must be taken when using NrbfDecoder to safely load the data into the appropriate instances.

You can think of NrbfDecoder as being the equivalent of using a JSON/XML reader without the deserializer.


NrbfDecoder is part of the new System.Formats.Nrbf NuGet package. It targets not only .NET 9, but also older monikers like .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework. That multi-targeting makes it possible for everyone who uses a supported version of .NET to migrate away from BinaryFormatter. NrbfDecoder can read payloads that were serialized with BinaryFormatter using FormatterTypeStyle.TypesAlways (the default).

NrbfDecoder is designed to treat all input as untrusted. As such it has these principles:

  • No type loading of any kind (to avoid risks such as remote code execution).
  • No recursion of any kind (to avoid unbound recursion, stack overflow, and denial of service).
  • No buffer pre-allocation based on size provided in the payload, if the payload is too small to contain the promised data (to avoid running out of memory and denial of service).
  • Decode every part of the input only once (to perform the same amount of work as the potential attacker who created the payload).
  • Use collision-resistant randomized hashing to store records referenced by other records (to avoid running out of memory for dictionary backed by an array whose size depends on the number of hash-code collisions).
  • Only primitive types can be instantiated in an implicit way. Arrays can be instantiated on demand. Other types are never instantiated.

When using NrbfDecoder, it is important not to reintroduce those capabilities in general-purpose code as doing so would negate these safeguards.

Deserialize a closed set of types

NrbfDecoder is useful only when the list of serialized types is a known, closed set. To put it another way, you need to know up front what you want to read, because you also need to create instances of those types and populate them with data that was read from the payload. Consider two opposite examples:

  • All [Serializable] types from Quartz.NET that can be persisted by the library itself are sealed. So there are no custom types that users could create, and the payload can contain only known types. The types also provide public constructors, so it's possible to recreate these types based on the information read from the payload.
  • The SettingsPropertyValue type exposes the property PropertyValue of type object that might internally use BinaryFormatter to serialize and deserialize any object that was stored in the configuration file. It could be used to store an integer, a custom type, a dictionary, or literally anything. Because of that, it's impossible to migrate this library without introducing breaking changes to the API.

Identify NRBF payloads

NrbfDecoder provides two StartsWithPayloadHeader methods that let you check whether a given stream or buffer starts with the NRBF header. It's recommended to use these methods when you're migrating payloads persisted with BinaryFormatter to a different serializer:

internal static T LoadFromFile<T>(string path)
    bool update = false;
    T value;

    using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(path))
        if (NrbfDecoder.StartsWithPayloadHeader(stream))
            value = LoadLegacyValue<T>(stream);
            update = true;
            value = LoadNewValue<T>(stream);

    if (update)
        File.WriteAllBytes(path, NewSerializer(value));

    return value;

Safely read NRBF payloads

The NRBF payload consists of serialization records that represent the serialized objects and their metadata. To read the whole payload and get the root object, you need to call the Decode method.

The Decode method returns a SerializationRecord instance. SerializationRecord is an abstract class that represents the serialization record and provides three self-describing properties: Id, RecordType, and TypeName. It exposes one method, TypeNameMatches, which compares the type name read from the payload (and exposed via TypeName property) against the specified type. This method ignores assembly names, so users don't need to worry about type forwarding and assembly versioning. It also does not consider member names or their types (because getting this information would require type loading).

using System.Formats.Nrbf;

static T Pseudocode<T>(Stream payload)
    SerializationRecord record = NrbfDecoder.Read(payload);
    if (!record.TypeNameMatches(typeof(T))
        throw new Exception($"Expected the record to match type name `{typeof(T).AssemblyQualifiedName}`, but got `{record.TypeName.AssemblyQualifiedName}`."

There are more than a dozen different serialization record types. This library provides a set of abstractions, so you only need to learn a few of them:

  • PrimitiveTypeRecord<T>: describes all primitive types natively supported by the NRBF (string, bool, byte, sbyte, char, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, decimal, TimeSpan, and DateTime).
    • Exposes the value via the Value property.
    • PrimitiveTypeRecord<T> derives from the non-generic PrimitiveTypeRecord, which also exposes a Value property. But on the base class, the value is returned as object (which introduces boxing for value types).
  • ClassRecord: describes all class and struct besides the aforementioned primitive types.
  • ArrayRecord: describes all array records, including jagged and multi-dimensional arrays.
  • SZArrayRecord<T>: describes single-dimensional, zero-indexed array records, where T can be either a primitive type or a ClassRecord.
SerializationRecord rootObject = NrbfDecoder.Decode(payload); // payload is a Stream

if (rootObject is PrimitiveTypeRecord primitiveRecord)
    Console.WriteLine($"It was a primitive value: '{primitiveRecord.Value}'");
else if (rootObject is ClassRecord classRecord)
    Console.WriteLine($"It was a class record of '{classRecord.TypeName.AssemblyQualifiedName}' type name.");
else if (rootObject is SZArrayRecord<byte> arrayOfBytes)
    Console.WriteLine($"It was an array of `{arrayOfBytes.Length}`-many bytes.");

Beside Decode, the NrbfDecoder exposes a DecodeClassRecord method that returns ClassRecord (or throws).


The most important type that derives from SerializationRecord is ClassRecord, which represents all class and struct instances beside arrays and natively supported primitive types. It allows you to read all member names and values. To understand what member is, see the BinaryFormatter functionality reference.

The API it provides:

The following code snippet shows ClassRecord in action:

public class Sample
    public int Integer;
    public string? Text;
    public byte[]? ArrayOfBytes;
    public Sample? ClassInstance;

ClassRecord rootRecord = NrbfDecoder.DecodeClassRecord(payload);
Sample output = new()
    // using the dedicated methods to read primitive values
    Integer = rootRecord.GetInt32(nameof(Sample.Integer)),
    Text = rootRecord.GetString(nameof(Sample.Text)),
    // using dedicated method to read an array of bytes
    ArrayOfBytes = ((SZArrayRecord<byte>)rootRecord.GetArrayRecord(nameof(Sample.ArrayOfBytes))).GetArray(),
    // using GetClassRecord to read a class record
    ClassInstance = new()
        Text = rootRecord


ArrayRecord defines the core behavior for NRBF array records and provides a base for derived classes. It provides two properties:

  • Rank which gets the rank of the array.
  • Lengths which get a buffer of integers that represent the number of elements in every dimension.

It also provides one method: GetArray. When used for the first time, it allocates an array and fills it with the data provided in the serialized records (in case of the natively supported primitive types like string or int) or the serialized records themselves (in case of arrays of complex types).

GetArray requires a mandatory argument that specifies the type of the expected array. For example, if the record should be a 2D array of integers, the expectedArrayType must be provided as typeof(int[,]) and the returned array is also int[,]:

ArrayRecord arrayRecord = (ArrayRecord)NrbfDecoder.Decode(stream);
int[,] array2d = (int[,])arrayRecord.GetArray(typeof(int[,]));

If there is a type mismatch (example: the attacker has provided a payload with an array of two billion strings), the method throws InvalidOperationException.

NrbfDecoder does not load or instantiate any custom types, so in case of arrays of complex types, it returns an array of SerializationRecord.

public class ComplexType3D
    public int I, J, K;

ArrayRecord arrayRecord = (ArrayRecord)NrbfDecoder.Decode(payload);
SerializationRecord[] records = (SerializationRecord[])arrayRecord.GetArray(expectedArrayType: typeof(ComplexType3D[]));
ComplexType3D[] output = records.OfType<ClassRecord>().Select(classRecord => new ComplexType3D()
    I = classRecord.GetInt32(nameof(ComplexType3D.I)),
    J = classRecord.GetInt32(nameof(ComplexType3D.J)),
    K = classRecord.GetInt32(nameof(ComplexType3D.K)),

.NET Framework supported non-zero indexed arrays within NRBF payloads, but this support was never ported to .NET (Core). NrbfDecoder therefore does not support decoding non-zero indexed arrays.


SZArrayRecord<T> defines the core behavior for NRBF single dimensional, zero-indexed array records and provides a base for derived classes. The T can be one of the natively supported primitive types or SerializationRecord.

It provides a Length property and a GetArray overload that returns T[].

public class PrimitiveArrayFields
    public byte[]? Bytes;
    public uint[]? UnsignedIntegers;

ClassRecord rootRecord = NrbfDecoder.DecodeClassRecord(payload);
SZArrayRecord<byte> bytes = (SZArrayRecord<byte>)rootRecord.GetArrayRecord(nameof(PrimitiveArrayFields.Bytes));
SZArrayRecord<uint> uints = (SZArrayRecord<uint>)rootRecord.GetArrayRecord(nameof(PrimitiveArrayFields.UnsignedIntegers));
if (bytes.Length > 100_000 || uints.Length > 100_000)
    throw new Exception("The array exceeded our limit");

PrimitiveArrayFields output = new()
    Bytes = bytes.GetArray(),
    UnsignedIntegers = uints.GetArray()