Update documentAttachments

Updates the properties of a document attachment object for Business Central.

HTTP request

Replace the URL prefix for Business Central depending on environment following the guideline.

PATCH businesscentralPrefix/companies({id})/documentAttachments({id})

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer {token}. Required.
Content-Type application/json
If-Match Required. When this request header is included and the eTag provided does not match the current tag on the documentAttachment, the document attachment will not be updated.

Request body

In the request body, supply the values for relevant fields that should be updated. Existing properties that are not included in the request body will maintain their previous values or be recalculated based on changes to other property values. For best performance you shouldn't include existing values that haven't changed.


If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and an updated documentAttachment object in the response body.



Here is an example of the request.

PATCH https://{businesscentralPrefix}/api/v2.0/companies({id})/documentAttachments({id})
Content-type: application/json
    "id" : ,
    "fileName" :


Here is an example of the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
    "id" : ,
    "fileName" : ,
    "byteSize" : ,
    "attachmentContent" : ,
    "parentType" : ,
    "parentId" : ,
    "lineNumber" : ,
    "documentFlowSales" : ,
    "documentFlowPurchase" : ,
    "lastModifiedDateTime" :

Tips for working with the APIs
GET documentAttachment
DELETE documentAttachment
POST documentAttachment