ImportConfig Reference

The ImportConfig.xml file used with package deployer contains information about the solutions and data to import. The following is an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
         publishworkflowsandactivateplugins="true" />
         publishworkflowsandactivateplugins="true" />
         solutionpackagefilename="" />
      <configimportfile filename="SampleOption.csv"
         waitforimporttocomplete="false" />
      <configimportfile filename=""
         waitforimporttocomplete="true" />
         <zipimportdetail filename="subfile1.csv"
            importtoentity="account" />
         <zipimportdetail filename="subfile2.csv"
            importtoentity="contact" />
      <configimportmapfile filename="SampleOption.xml" />
      <cmtdatafile filename=""
         usermapfilename="UserMap.xml" />
      <cmtdatafile filename=""
         usermapfilename="" />

The following sections provide details about the valid XML elements and attributes for this document.

configdatastorage element

configdatastorage is the root element.

configdatastorage attributes

All of these attributes are optional.

Name Description
installsampledata Whether to install sample data. This is the same sample data installed using these other methods:
- Add or remove sample data
- Add and remove sample data with code
waitforsampledatatoinstall If true, and if installsampledata is also set to true, waits for sample data to install before deploying the package. Don't set this to true when installsampledata is false.
agentdesktopzipfile File name of the zip file to unpack. If you specify a .zip file name here, it adds a screen during the package deployment process that prompts you to select a location where you want to unpack the contents of the file.

This attribute is commonly used for creating packages for Unified Service Desk for Dynamics 365.
agentdesktopexename Name of the .exe or .msi file in the zip file or a URL to be invoked at the end of the deployment process.

This attribute is commonly used for creating packages for Unified Service Desk for Dynamics 365.
crmmigdataimportfile File name of the default configuration data file (.zip) exported using the Configuration Migration tool.

configdatastorage elements

These are the valid child elements:

Element Descriptions
solutions Contains 0 or many configsolutionfile elements that describe solutions to import.
filestoimport Contains
- 1 or many configimportfile elements
- 0 or many zipimportdetails element that describe individual files and zip files to be imported.
filesmapstoimport Contains 1 or many configimportmapfile element. The order of the map files in this element indicates the order in which they're imported. Learn more about creating data maps for import
cmtdatafiles Contains 1 or many cmtdatafile elements that contain localized version of the configuration data file to be imported.

configsolutionfile element

Describes solutions to import in the element.

configsolutionfile attributes

Name Description
solutionpackagefilename Required Specify the .zip file name of your solution.
overwriteunmanagedcustomizations Optional Whether to overwrite any unmanaged customizations when importing a solution that already exists in the target environment. If you don't specify this behavior, the unmanaged customizations in the existing solution are maintained on the target environment.
publishworkflowsandactivateplugins Optional Whether to publish workflows and activate plug-ins in the target environment after the solution is imported.If you don't specify this behavior, the workflow are published and plug-ins activated.

configimportfile element

Describes files to import in the configdatastorage.filestoimport element.

configimportfile attributes

Name Description
filename Name of the file that contains the import data.
filetype This value can be csv, xml, or zip. If the file is a .zip file, a zipimportdetails element must be present with a zipimportdetail element for each file in the .zip file.
associatedmap Name of the Dataverse import data map to use with this file. If blank, Dataverse attempts to use the system determined import data map name for this file.
importtoentity Can be the name of the exe in the zip file, a URL, or an .msi file to provide a link to invoke at the end of the process.
datadelimiter Name of the data delimiter used in the import file. Valid values are single quote or double quotes.
fielddelimiter Name of the field delimiter used in the import file. Valid values are comma or colon, or single quote.
enableduplicatedetection Whether to enable duplicate detections rules on data import. Valid values are true or false.
isfirstrowheader Whether the first row of the import file contains the field names. Valid values are true or false.
isrecordownerateam Whether the owner of the record on import should be a team. Valid values are true or false.
owneruser The user ID that should own the records. The default value is the currently logged in user.
waitforimporttocomplete If true, the system waits for the import to complete before proceeding. If false, it queues the jobs and moves on.

zipimportdetails element

Describes zip files to import in the configdatastorage.filestoimport element when the configimportfile.filetype is zip.

Contains 1 or more zipimportdetail elements that provide information about an individual file within the zip file specified in the configimportfile element.

zipimportdetail element

Provide information about an individual file within the zip file specified in the configimportfile element.

zipimportdetail attributes

Name Description
filename Name of the file that contains the import data.
filetype This value can be csv or xml.
importtoentity Can be the name of the exe in the zip file, a url, or an .msi file to provide a link to invoke at the end of the process.

configimportmapfile element

Contains information about an individual map file to import in Dataverse.

configimportmapfile attributes

Name Description
filename The name of the file containing the mapping data.

cmtdatafile element

Specifies the localized configuration data files along with locale ID (required) and user information map file (optional).

cmtdatafile example

   <cmtdatafile filename=""
      usermapfilename="UserMap.xml" />
   <cmtdatafile filename=""
      usermapfilename="" />

cmtdatafile attributes

Name Description
filename The name of the file containing the mapping data.
lcid The string representation of the LCID language code identifier.
usermapfilename For Dynamics 365 (on-premises) only. Contains the user map file (.xml) generated using the Configuration Migration tool in your project. This file is required to import user information to a Dynamics 365 (on-premises) instance on a different domain.