Bcdedit - remove menu

Raulisess 0 Reputation points


I recently was playing on Windows 11 with the command bcdedit and added a test menu with this command

c:\bcdedit /set {bootmanager} displaybootmenu yes

How can I remove this change from the command prompt using bcdedit so that this menu with just one option is deleted, not shown again during boot?

current configuration



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  1. Limitless Technology 44,021 Reputation points

    Hello there,

    If you are looking for ways to delete or hide Windows Boot Manager, here are some easy steps: 1) On your keyboard, press "Windows" + "R". This will open up windows command prompt.

    1. Type in "bcdedit /delete {bootmgr}" without quotes and press enter. This will delete the current boot manager from your computer and reboot.
    2. Restart your computer, and you will be asked to enter the option to boot normally or enter an administrator password before doing so.
    3. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to select "Del" or "Delete". This will delete the Windows Boot Manager from within Windows, but it may still be accessible as a drive from the computer.

    Hope this resolves your Query !!

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  2. Thanone3 0 Reputation points

    Use: "bcdedit /set {bootmanager} displaybootmenu no" without the quotes to fix it.

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