Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A Platform. Thank you for reaching out & I hope you are doing well.
I understand that you would like to know how to improve your website's performance while using the same domain/FQDN using Azure CDN.
How CDN Works in Azure ?
- Yes, this is possible
- You must use a custom domain in CDN
- Once Azure validates the custom domain, you can use this FQDN in the CDN.
- Refer : Add a custom domain to your endpoint
Wrt Optimization,
- I am not sure how you are arriving at a specific metric for performance, however , CDN can greatly improve your site's performance.
- You do not have to move your static contents to a Storage Account in Azure.
- Instead, these contents are stored in cache
- Please make sure you go through : How caching works in Azure
- You can also Optimize contents for specific scenarios
General web delivery
General media streaming
Video-on-demand media streaming
Large file download
Dynamic site acceleration
- The above scenarions are covered here : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cdn/cdn-optimization-overview?toc=%2Fazure%2Ffrontdoor%2FTOC.json#optimization-for-specific-scenarios
Kindly let us know if this helps or you need further assistance on this issue.
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