JSoN Conditional Formatting to highlight a Row as red if it is beyond 3 days and to not put any highlight if within 3 days

Treb Bert 40 Reputation points


I need help to use JSON conditional format to highlight a particular date as red if it is already beyond 3 days from the current date. For example, date in that particular row is 4/30/2024 and it will be highlighted as red when May 3 comes(so on and so forth), will be highlighted as red. Also, it should exclude weekends in the process. Row name is Process Date.

And to not have any highlight once date is closed in time or within 2 days. The closed date column is in a different column

Thank you so much for helping. I'm having a hard time finding solutions online.

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  1. Haoyan Xue_MSFT 20,986 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi @Treb Bert ,

    Thank you for posting in this community.

    First create a calculated column(named CALweekday in my case) to calculate the 3-day expiration date excluding weekends.

    =IF(WEEKDAY([Process Date])=2,[Process Date]+3,(IF(WEEKDAY([Process Date])=3,[Process Date]+3,(IF(WEEKDAY([Process Date])=1,[Process Date]+3+1,[Process Date]+3+2)))))

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    Then use the following JSoN Conditional Formatting code:

      "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/sp/view-formatting.schema.json",
      "additionalRowClass": "=if([$ClosedDate],if([$ClosedDate] >= [$CALweekday],'sp-field-severity--severeWarning',''),if([$CALweekday] <= @now,'sp-field-severity--severeWarning','')) || if(([$ClosedDate] >= [$CALweekday]), 'sp-field-severity--severeWarning', '')"


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