How to use deployment.template.json file with .net8 app containers for Iot Edge Modules
I am trying to migrate my modules from netcoreapp2.1to net8.0 and using the newer style of build and deployment. I am also trying to get away from all of the deprecated tools, so that's saying goodbye to the .iotedgeproj right click "Generate Deployment for IoTEdge"
I have no idea how to use deployment.template.json with the cli.
I can build everything fine with dotnet ``publish "C:\Users\TheCode\TheCode.csproj" -r linux-arm -c Release /t:PublishContainer
but I was hoping to not have to write pre\post build script to populate the deployment.json
iotedgedev ``solution genconfig -P linux-arm
will take the .env file and resolve some variables, but that is targeting module.json and not the project file or appsettings. Since i am using dotnet publish to build, it feels like there should be a way that supports this.
I tried running iotedgedev ``solution build --file deployment.template.json --platform arm32v7
but thats targeting the old dockerfiles from the module.json again, and it is a complete mess leaving a bunch of inactive containers as well as constantly failing because of an ERROR: Can not read file in context: C:\Users\TheCode\.vs\TheCode\FileContentIndex\367b6ce1-5024-4b68-a88b-5204a0aa88f3.vsidx
Is there a way to have iotedgedev use the dotnet publish instead of dockerfile?
I am dreading when I need to add all this to an Azure Build Pipeline for which the Azure IoT Edge - Build module images
and Azure IoT Edge - Generate deployment manifest
I believe is using iotedgedev , which wont work. The building of the modules I'll be able to use the .NET Core - dotnet publish at least.