Azure SQL DB Query Editor Microsoft Entra Authentication showing a different admin user other than the created one

Sri C 0 Reputation points


I have created a Azure SQLDB and under the SQL Server settings, Microsoft Entra ID, I have a created a user (say and set it as 'admin'. In the SQL Server overview, I could see this user is reflecting as Microsoft Entra admin. So far so good.

In Microsoft Azure Portal home page, When I click on Microsft Entra ID, I could see 2 users,

(1) a user whose email id is used to create Azure subscription (say

(2) add on user created for SQL server authentication which was created in above step (say

Now when I try to use 'Query Editor', it gives me two options to login one with SQL server authentication and other with Microsoft Entra authentication.

Under Microsoft Entra authentication, I could only see user (1), but not user (2), which I set as admin.

Please suggest the reason for this and how can I use the Entra admin user I created to login.

Am I missing some thing here?


Azure SQL Database
Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
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