I have downloaded the sample code for accessing TSI API using C# from here: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/Azure-Time-Series-Insights/tree/master/gen2-sample/csharp-tsi-gen2-sample
I have customized the code, so it uses our own TSI instance.
If use the Code provided, to retrieve all events for a given period (That holds more than 20.000 Events/Datapoints) and I set the GetEvents Query to Take 1000, I would expect TSI to respond with a ContinuationToken that is not null, so I may keep querying for new batches using the Token.
I am experiencing a different behavior. If I set the Take parameter to 1000, it only responds with 1000 events, and the ContinueationToken is Null? As explained in your documentation here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/time-series-insights/dataaccessgen2/query/execute#querygeteventspage2, TSI is supposed to return a ContinuationToken and an approximatly progress of the query.
Can you please help?