The documentation refers to running 1 high-level app and 1 RT app simultaneously using the Partner applications feature. Azure Sphere currently does not support running 2 high-level apps. Hope this helps.
Can two high level sphere apps communicate with each other?
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Is it possible for several high level apps to talk to a single high level app? I need to have several of them communicate with a canbus controller, and am considering using one high level app as a gateway for the others.
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Chandranmsft 856 Reputation points
2020-07-01T17:39:13.697+00:00 Hello @Jakesays- Azure Sphere does not support running multiple high-level apps. You may find documentation on internet indicating this is possible, but please note that this scenario is not tested and supported at this time.
Please submit a feature request @ for product teams to review and prioritize the ask.