Why are the tags related to ASP.NET and C# not shown?
Why are the tags related to ASP.NET and C# not shown? Result:

Facing an issue with cookieless Forms Authentication in an ASP.NET sub-application that is integrated with a main application built in Python
Hello, We are facing an issue with cookieless Forms Authentication in an ASP.NET sub-application that is integrated with a main application built in Python. The main application (Python) and sub-application (ASP.NET) work together.The ASP.NET…
to use Tag like windows desktop software
i am working on a aspx page translet a windows desktop ssoftware using vb.net is it posible to use use tag like in like in windows desktop software by design the aspx page <asp:TextBox ID="Txt1_0"…
How to fix "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object."
When I use aspnet-codegenerator I get this error even though I could use it normally before. How can I fix it? Thank you everyone !!
export a gridview to a pdf or to excel file
in aspx page and i am using vb.net how can i export a gridview to a PDF or to Excel file thamks in advence
How to invalidate ".AspNet.Cookies" cookie on logout?
I have a .net application deployed to Azure. A penetration test finding called "Session Not Invalidated After Logout" is found. When an API Get request is sent along with .AspNet.Cookies while user is logged in, a successful response is…
aspx how to to format a column as Currency
i am working on aspx page it is connected to sql my code is vb.net in a GridView column payment how can i format in code this column as Currency Thanks in advence
Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise cannot create an ASP.NET using .NET8
I use Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise. Try to create an ASP.NET Web application using .NET8 framework. However, .NET8 is not listed in "Targeted framework drop list". How to create an ASP.NET Web Applicaiton using .NET8 framework? How to…
How to setup and access an ftp server in Windows Server 2019 with vb.net code?
I have written an app using webforms in visual studio 2019. I have setup a Windows Server 2019 on a server. With IIS, I am able to access my WebForms.aspx from the internet ok. I made an FTP server website, and also added ftp services to my first website…
Browser unable to use certificate
Hi All, I cloned project code from Azure Repo, installed certificates, configured Project Web Properties, configured applicationhost.config, setup SSL URL in IIS using certificate Thumbprint. My project builds successfully, but application fails to load…
.NET 9 Open API Migration not returning the API Schema
I am migrating a .NET 6 API application to .NET 9. Installed the Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi and Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server packages with version 9.0.2. I am keeping the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 6.5.0 for the UI experience. Here is the…
Prepare code to fetch data from mock server does not seem to work
Hi! I am working through this Exercise: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/build-web-api-minimal-spa/5-exercise-create-api. After starting the Mock Server (I can see in the Browser that it is running) The Website has the error: Unexpected…

messaging the provider in Asp.net
i have a task to write a code that can message X number of provider for example via SMS or Email. and it has to be by using "TryAddTransient". Any solutions for that? maybe it seems simple but i just started to learn Asp.
WebAuthn, Fido2 in ASP. Net
Can anyone point me to documentation and or code examples for WebAuthn and Fido2 for Multi Factor authentication? Coding in ASP.Net C# Thanks
Blazor server logout on SignalR connection break
My Blazor server-side application logs out the user whenever the SignalR connection breaks. For example, when I lock my phone for half an hour and then return to the site, I'm logged out. How can I prevent this from happening?

Post migrating from Azure to on-premises our Development and Production servers, our .NET API, Angular site throwing Azure CLI authentication failure issue
An error occurred while starting the application. CredentialUnavailableException: EnvironmentCredential authentication unavailable. Environment variables are not fully configured. Azure.Identity.CredentialDiagnosticScope.FailWrapAndThrow(Exception…
Multiple App.Razor components
Hello, Is it possible to have an additional App.razor file that I can use for e.g. Admin area only? Currently, if I create a new folder named Admin and create a new layout there, it inherits from the existing App.razor and linked css files. Basically, I…
Multiple App.Razor components
Hello, Is it possible to have an additional App.razor file that I can use for e.g. Admin area only? Currently, if I create a new folder named Admin and create a new layout there, it inherits from the existing App.razor and linked css files. Basically, I…
Need assistance and git hub code for multifactor authentication in core mvc or mvc project.
Need assistance and git hub code for multifactor authentication in core mvc or mvc project. regrads vinayak
Login not possible with AspNetCore Idenity when Enable DataProtection.
I'm configuring my application to make use of AspNetCore.Identity as well Data protection. public static void Main(string[] args) { var builder =…