About Azure ArcAzure Arc documentation
Simplify complex and distributed environments across on-premises, edge, and multicloud.
Azure Arc JumpstartOverview
Azure Arc-enabled serversOverview
Azure Arc-enabled KubernetesOverview
Azure Arc-enabled data servicesOverview
SQL Server enabled by Azure ArcAzure Arc-enabled servers
Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes
Azure Arc-enabled data services
SQL Server enabled by Azure Arc
Get the latest news from the Azure Arc team.
Establish patterns for building hybrid architectures.
Extend AKS to your on-premises environment.
Connect non-Azure public cloud resources to centralize management and governance in Azure.
Run Container Apps on Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes clusters.
Azure IoT Operations is a unified data plane for the edge that helps organizations deploy the industrial metaverse.
Use Arc sites to represent your on-premises environments and see centralized monitoring information across your edge infrastructure.