FieldRef.Validate([Any]) Method

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0.

Use this method to enter a new value into a field and have the new value validated by the properties and code that have been defined for that field.


 FieldRef.Validate([NewValue: Any])


 Type: FieldRef
An instance of the FieldRef data type.

[Optional] NewValue
 Type: Any
The value to insert in the field.


The Validate method first checks any TableRelation Property, and then executes the OnValidate (Fields) Trigger of the field.

If you omit NewValue, the method validates the current value.

This method is like the Validate Method (Record).


The following example opens table 17 (G/L Entry) as a RecordRef that is named EntryRecref. The FindFirst Method (RecordRef) searches for the first record in the table. The Field Method (RecordRef) sets the field to 3, which is the G/L Account No. field. The VALIDATE method validates and inserts the specified value (1210) into the field. The Modify Method (RecordRef) modifies the table. A message that indicates the G/L Account No. field has changed is displayed. To show that the code in the OnValidate trigger is executed, design the G/L Entry table and add the following code to the G/L Account No. – OnValidate trigger: Message('The OnValidate trigger is called.');

    MyFieldRef: FieldRef;
    EntryRecref: RecordRef;
    Text000: Label 'The G/L Account No. for record %1 is %2.';
    Text001: Label 'The G/L Account No. for record %1 has changed to %2.';
    if EntryRecref.FindFirst then begin  
      MyFieldRef := EntryRecref.Field(3);  
      Message(Text000, EntryRecref.RecordId, MyFieldRef.Value);  
      Message(Text001, EntryRecref.RecordId, MyFieldRef.Value);  

FieldRef Data Type
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