InherentEntitlements Property

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 10.0.

Specifies the entitlement permissions that are inherently assigned to the given object.

Applies to

  • Query
  • Report
  • Xml Port
  • Table
  • Codeunit
  • Page


The inherent entitlements permission values that are Read, Insert, Modify, Delete, and Execute are set according to the object type. For example, a Report object can have an execute 'X' permission, but the same permission is not valid for data in a Table object.


InherentEntitlements = Permissions;


table 50145 NewItem
    DataClassification = ToBeClassified;
    InherentEntitlements = RI;
        field(2, ItemName; Text)    
            DataClassification = ToBeClassified;


Getting Started with AL
Developing Extensions
Inherent Permissions