OnValidate (Page Field) trigger

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0.

Runs when a field loses focus after its value has been changed.


trigger OnValidate()


This trigger is run after the default validation behavior when data is entered in a field. During the default validation behavior, the system checks that the data type of the value entered matches the one defined for the field and that it complies with the property constraints set up in such field before the validation occurs. An error message displays if an error occurs in the trigger code. In case of an error, the user entry is not written to the database.

The OnValidate trigger is also a field trigger at the page level. For more information, see OnValidate (Field) Trigger. If both the table field and page field triggers are defined, then the OnValidate trigger on the table field is run before the OnValidate trigger on the page field.


tableextension 50111 "CustomerExt" extends Customer
        field(50112; Acronym; Text[15])
            trigger OnValidate()
                rec.Acronym := rec.Acronym.ToUpper();

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OnValidate (Field) Trigger