Transform data using dbt


Apache Airflow job is powered by Apache Airflow.

Apache Airflow is an open-source platform used to programmatically create, schedule, and monitor complex data workflows. It allows you to define a set of tasks, called operators, that can be combined into directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to represent data pipelines.

dbt(Data Build Tool) is an open-source command-line interface (CLI) that simplifies data transformation and modeling within data warehouses by managing complex SQL code in a structured, maintainable way. It enables data teams to create reliable, testable transformations at the core of their analytical pipelines.

When paired with Apache Airflow, dbt's transformation capabilities are enhanced by Airflow's scheduling, orchestration, and task management features. This combined approach, using dbt's transformation expertise alongside Airflow's workflow management, delivers efficient and robust data pipelines, ultimately leading to faster and more insightful data-driven decisions.

This tutorial illustrates how to create an Apache Airflow DAG that uses dbt to transform data stored in the Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse.


To get started, you must complete the following prerequisites:

  • Enable Apache Airflow Job in your Tenant.


    Since Apache Airflow job is in preview state, you need to enable it through your tenant admin. If you already see Apache Airflow Job, your tenant admin may have already enabled it.

    1. Go to Admin Portal -> Tenant Settings -> Under Microsoft Fabric -> Expand "Users can create and use Apache Airflow Job (preview)" section.

    2. Select Apply. Screenshot to enable Apache Airflow in tenant.

  • Create the Service Principal. Add the service principal as the Contributor in the workspace where you create data warehouse.

  • If you don't have one, Create a Fabric warehouse. Ingest the sample data into the warehouse using data pipeline. For this tutorial, we use the NYC Taxi-Green sample.

  • Create the "Apache Airflow Job" in the workspace.

Transform the data stored in Fabric warehouse using dbt

This section walks you through the following steps:

  1. Specify the requirements.
  2. Create a dbt project in the Fabric managed storage provided by the Apache Airflow job..
  3. Create an Apache Airflow DAG to orchestrate dbt jobs

Specify the requirements

Create a file requirements.txt in the dags folder. Add the following packages as Apache Airflow requirements.

Create a dbt project in the Fabric managed storage provided by the Apache Airflow job.

  1. In this section, we create a sample dbt project in the Apache Airflow Job for the dataset nyc_taxi_green with the following directory structure.

       |-- nyc_taxi_green
       |  |-- profiles.yml
       |  |-- dbt_project.yml
       |  |-- models
       |  |   |-- nyc_trip_count.sql
       |  |-- target
  2. Create the folder named nyc_taxi_green in the dags folder with profiles.yml file. This folder contains all the files required for dbt project. Screenshot shows create files for the dbt project.

  3. Copy the following contents into the profiles.yml. This configuration file contains database connection details and profiles used by dbt. Update the placeholder values and save the file.

      partial_parse: true
      target: fabric-dev
          type: fabric
          driver: "ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server"
          server: <sql connection string of your data warehouse>
          port: 1433
          database: "<name of the database>"
          schema: dbo
          threads: 4
          authentication: ServicePrincipal
          tenant_id: <Tenant ID of your service principal>
          client_id: <Client ID of your service principal>
          client_secret: <Client Secret of your service principal>
  4. Create the dbt_project.yml file and copy the following contents. This file specifies the project-level configuration.

    name: "nyc_taxi_green"
    config-version: 2
    version: "0.1"
    profile: "nyc_taxi_green"
    model-paths: ["models"]
    seed-paths: ["seeds"]
    test-paths: ["tests"]
    analysis-paths: ["analysis"]
    macro-paths: ["macros"]
    target-path: "target"
      - "target"
      - "dbt_modules"
      - "logs"
    require-dbt-version: [">=1.0.0", "<2.0.0"]
        materialized: table
  5. Create the models folder in the nyc_taxi_green folder. For this tutorial, we create the sample model in the file named nyc_trip_count.sql that creates the table showing number of trips per day per vendor. Copy the following contents in the file.

       with new_york_taxis as (
           select * from nyctlc
       final as (
           CAST(lpepPickupDatetime AS DATE) AS trip_date,
           COUNT(*) AS trip_count
         GROUP BY
             CAST(lpepPickupDatetime AS DATE)
         ORDER BY
       select * from final

    Screenshot shows models for the dbt project.

Create an Apache Airflow DAG to orchestrate dbt jobs

  • Create the file named in dags folder and paste the following contents in it.

    import os
    from pathlib import Path
    from datetime import datetime
    from cosmos import DbtDag, ProjectConfig, ProfileConfig, ExecutionConfig
    DEFAULT_DBT_ROOT_PATH = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "dags" / "nyc_taxi_green"
    profile_config = ProfileConfig(
         profiles_yml_filepath=DBT_ROOT_PATH / "profiles.yml",
    dbt_fabric_dag = DbtDag(
         operator_args={"install_deps": True},
         start_date=datetime(2023, 9, 10),

Run your DAG

  1. Run the DAG within Apache Airflow Job. Screenshot shows run dag.

  2. To see your dag loaded in the Apache Airflow UI, Click on Monitor in Apache Airflow. Screenshot shows how to monitor dbt dag. Screenshot shows successful dag run.

Validate your data

  • After a successful run, to validate your data, you can see the new table named 'nyc_trip_count.sql' created in your Fabric data warehouse. Screenshot shows successful dbt dag.

Quickstart: Create an Apache Airflow Job