Generate a SAS URI for a VM image


A Shared access signature (SAS) URI can be used to publish your virtual machine (VM). Alternatively, you can share an image in Partner Center via Azure compute gallery. Refer to Create a virtual machine using an approved base or Create a virtual machine using your own image for further instructions.

Before getting started, you will need the following:

Extract VHD from a VM


You can skip this step if you already have a VHD uploaded to a storage account.

To extract the VHD from your VM, you need to first take a snapshot of your VM disk and then extract the VHD from the snapshot into your storage account.

Take a snapshot of your VM disk

  1. Sign into the Azure portal.
  2. Select Create a resource, then search for and select Snapshot.
  3. In the Snapshot blade, select Create.
  4. Select the Subscription. Select an existing resource group within the selected subscription or Create new and enter the name for a new resource group to be created. This is the resource group the snapshot will be associated with.
  5. Enter a Name for the snapshot.
  6. For Source type, select Disk.
    1. Select the Source subscription, which is the subscription that contains the VM disk. This might be different from the destination subscription of the new snapshot.
  7. For Source disk, select the managed disk to snapshot.
  8. For the Storage type, select Standard HDD unless you need it stored on a high performing SSD.
  9. Select Review + Create. Upon successful validation, select Create.

Extract the VHD into your storage account

Use the following script to export the snapshot into a VHD in your storage account. For each of parameters, insert your information accordingly.

#Provide the subscription Id where the snapshot is created

#Provide the name of your resource group where the snapshot is created

#Provide the snapshot name

#Provide Shared Access Signature (SAS) expiry duration in seconds (such as 3600)
#Know more about SAS here:

#Provide storage account name where you want to copy the underlying VHD file.

#Name of the storage container where the downloaded VHD will be stored.

#Provide the access key for the storage account that you want to copy the VHD to.

#Give a name to the destination VHD file to which the VHD will be copied.

az account set --subscription $subscriptionId

sas=$(az snapshot grant-access --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name $snapshotName --duration-in-seconds $sasExpiryDuration --query [accessSas] -o tsv)

az storage blob copy start --destination-blob $destinationVHDFileName --destination-container $storageContainerName --account-name $storageAccountName --account-key $storageAccountKey --source-uri $sas

This script above uses the following commands to generate the SAS URI for a snapshot and copies the underlying VHD to a storage account using the SAS URI.

Command Notes
az disk grant-access Generates read-only SAS that is used to copy the underlying VHD file to a storage account or download it to on-premises.
az storage blob copy start Copies a blob asynchronously from one storage account to another. Use az storage blob show to check the status of the new blob.

Generate the SAS URI

There are two common tools used to create a SAS address (URI):

  • Azure Storage browser – Available on the Azure portal.
  • Azure CLI – Recommended for non-Windows operating systems and automated or continuous integration environments.

Using Tool 1: Azure Storage browser

  1. Go to your Storage account.
  2. Open Storage browser and select blob containers.
  3. In your Container, right-click the VHD file and select Generate SAS.
  4. In the Shared Access Signature menu that appears, complete the following fields:
    • Permissions – Select read permissions. Don't provide write or delete permissions.
    • Start date/time – This is the permission start date for VHD access. To protect against UTC time changes, provide a date that is one day before the current date. For example, if the current date is July 15, 2022, set the date as 07/14/2022.
    • Expiry date/time – This is the permission expiration date for VHD access. Provide a date at least three weeks beyond the current date.
  5. To create the associated SAS URI for this VHD, select Generate SAS token and URL.
  6. Copy the Blob SAS URL and save it to a text file in a secure location.
  7. Repeat these steps for each VHD you want to publish.


If you need to generate a SAS URI with both read and list permissions, you can do so by generating it at the container level. Follow the same steps above but be sure to select both read and list permissions. Once step 6 is completed, you will then need to add the blob file name before the "?sp=rl" to reference your VHD file within the container. For example, if the VHD file was "mytestvhd.vhd", the SAS URI would look like:


Using Tool 2: Azure CLI

  1. In Azure CLI, run the following command: Azure CLICopy

  2. Open Cloud Shell, run the following command:

    az storage container generate-sas --connection-string 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=\<account-name\>;AccountKey=\<account-key\>;' --name \<container-name\> --permissions r --start '\<start-date\>' --expiry '\<expiry-date\>'

  3. Before running the command above, remember to insert the following parameter values.

    Parameter value Description
    account-name Your Azure storage account name.
    account-key Your Azure storage account key.
    container-name Your blob container that hosts the VHD file.
    start-date This is the permission start date for VHD access. Provide a date one day before the current date. For example, if the current date is July 15, 2022, set the date as 07/14/2022. Provide dates in UTC date/time format (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z), such as 2022-04-01T00:00:00Z.
    expiry-date This is the permission expiration date for VHD access. Provide a date at least three weeks after the current date. Provide dates in UTC date/time format (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z), such as 2022-04-01T00:00:00Z.
  4. Copy the SAS connection string and save it to a text file in a secure location. Edit this string to add the VHD location information to create the final SAS URI.

  5. In the Azure portal, go to the blob container that includes the VHD associated with the new URI.

  6. Copy the URL of the blob service endpoint.

  7. Edit the text file with the SAS connection string from step 2. Create the complete SAS URI using this format. Be sure to insert a "?" between the endpoint URL and the connection string.


Virtual machine SAS failure messages

This table shows the common errors encountered when providing a shared access signatures (SAS) URI in Partner Center, along with suggested resolutions.

Issue Failure Message Fix
"?" is not found in SAS URI Must be a valid Azure shared access signature URI. Ensure that the SAS URI provided uses the proper syntax and includes the "?"character.
Syntax: <blob-service-endpoint-url>?<sas-connection-string>
"st" parameter not in SAS URI Specified SAS URL cannot be reached. Update the SAS URI with proper Start Date ("st") value.
"se" parameter not in SAS URI The end date parameter (se) is required. Update the SAS URI with proper End Date ("se") value.
"sp=r" not in SAS URI Missing Permissions (sp) must include 'read' (r). Update the SAS URI with permissions set as Read ("sp=r").
SAS URI Authorization error Failure: Copying Images. Not able to download blob due to authorization error. Review and correct the SAS URI format. Regenerate if necessary.
SAS URI "st" and "se" parameters do not have full date-time specification The start time parameter (st) is not a valid date string.
The end date parameter (se) is not a valid date string.
SAS URI Start Date and End Date parameters ("st" and "se" substrings) must have full date-time format (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z), such as 11-02-2017T00:00:00Z. Shortened versions are invalid (some commands in Azure CLI might generate shortened values by default).

For details, see Grant limited access to Azure Storage resources using shared access signatures (SAS).

Verify the SAS URI

Check the SAS URI before publishing it on Partner Center to avoid any issues related to SAS URI post submission of the request. This process is optional but recommended.

  • The URI includes your VHD image filename, including the filename extension .vhd.
  • Sp=r appears near the middle of your URI. This string shows Read permission is granted.
  • When sr=c appears, this means that container-level access is specified.
  • Copy and paste the URI into a browser to test-download the blob (you can cancel the operation before the download completes).