Add informational cards to pins on a map

Easily add cards to maps in your canvas apps to show details about pinned locations. When a user selects a pin, a card pops up with information from the data source you bound to the map control. Any column in the data source (for example, an Excel table) can be shown as a field on the card.


  1. Create a canvas app and make sure it meets the geospatial prerequisites.
  2. Insert a map.

Add info cards to pins

  1. Bind the map to a data source.

  2. In the map control's Properties pane, select Show info cards. Select On click to show the info card when the user selects a pin, or On hover if it should appear when the user hovers over the pin.

    A screenshot of a map control's Properties pane with the Show info cards property open to show the On click and On hover options.

  3. In the Properties pane, next to Fields, select Edit.

  4. Select Add field, and then select the fields from the data source that you want to show in the card. Select Add.

    A screenshot of a map control's Properties pane, showing the data source fields.

When the user selects a pin, an info card shows the fields you selected.

A screenshot of a map pin selected in a canvas app, with an info card that shows the location Name, Occupancy, and Phone data.

Other interactive map features

Other geospatial controls

To see dynamic address suggestions as you type, use the Address input control.