What are Azure AI containers?

Azure AI services provide several Docker containers that let you use the same APIs that are available in Azure, on-premises. Using these containers gives you the flexibility to bring Azure AI services closer to your data for compliance, security or other operational reasons. Container support is currently available for a subset of Azure AI services.

Containerization is an approach to software distribution in which an application or service, including its dependencies & configuration, is packaged together as a container image. With little or no modification, a container image can be deployed on a container host. Containers are isolated from each other and the underlying operating system, with a smaller footprint than a virtual machine. Containers can be instantiated from container images for short-term tasks, and removed when no longer needed.

Features and benefits

  • Immutable infrastructure: Enable DevOps teams to leverage a consistent and reliable set of known system parameters, while being able to adapt to change. Containers provide the flexibility to pivot within a predictable ecosystem and avoid configuration drift.
  • Control over data: Choose where your data gets processed by Azure AI services. This can be essential if you can't send data to the cloud but need access to Azure AI services APIs. Support consistency in hybrid environments – across data, management, identity, and security.
  • Control over model updates: Flexibility in versioning and updating of models deployed in their solutions.
  • Portable architecture: Enables the creation of a portable application architecture that can be deployed on Azure, on-premises and the edge. Containers can be deployed directly to Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Container Instances, or to a Kubernetes cluster deployed to Azure Stack. For more information, see Deploy Kubernetes to Azure Stack.
  • High throughput / low latency: Provide customers the ability to scale for high throughput and low latency requirements by enabling Azure AI services to run physically close to their application logic and data. Containers don't cap transactions per second (TPS) and can be made to scale both up and out to handle demand if you provide the necessary hardware resources.
  • Scalability: With the ever growing popularity of containerization and container orchestration software, such as Kubernetes; scalability is at the forefront of technological advancements. Building on a scalable cluster foundation, application development caters to high availability.

Containers in Azure AI services

Azure AI containers provide the following set of Docker containers, each of which contains a subset of functionality from services in Azure AI services. You can find instructions and image locations in the tables below.


See Install and run Document Intelligence containers for Azure AI Document Intelligence container instructions and image locations.

Decision containers

Service Container Description Availability
Anomaly detector Anomaly Detector (image) The Anomaly Detector API enables you to monitor and detect abnormalities in your time series data with machine learning. Generally available

Language containers

Service Container Description Availability
LUIS LUIS (image) Loads a trained or published Language Understanding model, also known as a LUIS app, into a docker container and provides access to the query predictions from the container's API endpoints. You can collect query logs from the container and upload these back to the LUIS portal to improve the app's prediction accuracy. Generally available.
This container can also run in disconnected environments.
Language service Key Phrase Extraction (image) Extracts key phrases to identify the main points. For example, for the input text "The food was delicious and there were wonderful staff," the API returns the main talking points: "food" and "wonderful staff". Generally available.
This container can also run in disconnected environments.
Language service Text Language Detection (image) For up to 120 languages, detects which language the input text is written in and report a single language code for every document submitted on the request. The language code is paired with a score indicating the strength of the score. Generally available.
This container can also run in disconnected environments.
Language service Sentiment Analysis (image) Analyzes raw text for clues about positive or negative sentiment. This version of sentiment analysis returns sentiment labels (for example positive or negative) for each document and sentence within it. Generally available.
This container can also run in disconnected environments.
Language service Text Analytics for health (image) Extract and label medical information from unstructured clinical text. Generally available
Language service Named Entity Recognition (image) Extract named entities from text. Generally available.
This container can also run in disconnected environments.
Language service Personally Identifiable Information (PII) detection (image) Detect and redact personally identifiable information entities from text. Generally available.
This container can also run in disconnected environments.
Language service Custom Named Entity Recognition (image) Extract named entities from text, using a custom model you create using your data. Generally available
Language service Summarization (image) Summarize text from various sources. Public preview.
This container can also run in disconnected environments.
Translator Translator (image) Translate text in several languages and dialects. Generally available. Gated - request access.
This container can also run in disconnected environments.

Speech containers

Service Container Description Availability
Speech Service API Speech to text (image) Transcribes continuous real-time speech into text. Generally available.
This container can also run in disconnected environments.
Speech Service API Custom Speech to text (image) Transcribes continuous real-time speech into text using a custom model. Generally available
This container can also run in disconnected environments.
Speech Service API Neural Text to speech (image) Converts text to natural-sounding speech using deep neural network technology, allowing for more natural synthesized speech. Generally available.
This container can also run in disconnected environments.
Speech Service API Speech language identification (image) Determines the language of spoken audio. Preview

Vision containers

Service Container Description Availability
Azure AI Vision Read OCR (image) The Read OCR container allows you to extract printed and handwritten text from images and documents with support for JPEG, PNG, BMP, PDF, and TIFF file formats. For more information, see the Read API documentation. Generally Available.
This container can also run in disconnected environments.
Spatial Analysis Spatial analysis (image) Analyzes real-time streaming video to understand spatial relationships between people, their movement, and interactions with objects in physical environments. Preview

Additionally, some containers are supported in the Azure AI services multi-service resource offering. You can create one single Azure AI services resource and use the same billing key across supported services for the following services:

  • Azure AI Vision
  • LUIS
  • Language service


You must satisfy the following prerequisites before using Azure AI containers:

Docker Engine: You must have Docker Engine installed locally. Docker provides packages that configure the Docker environment on macOS, Linux, and Windows. On Windows, Docker must be configured to support Linux containers. Docker containers can also be deployed directly to Azure Kubernetes Service or Azure Container Instances.

Docker must be configured to allow the containers to connect with and send billing data to Azure.

Familiarity with Microsoft Container Registry and Docker: You should have a basic understanding of both Microsoft Container Registry and Docker concepts, like registries, repositories, containers, and container images, as well as knowledge of basic docker commands.

For a primer on Docker and container basics, see the Docker overview.

Individual containers can have their own requirements, as well, including server and memory allocation requirements.

Azure AI services container security

Security should be a primary focus whenever you're developing applications. The importance of security is a metric for success. When you're architecting a software solution that includes Azure AI containers, it's vital to understand the limitations and capabilities available to you. For more information about network security, see Configure Azure AI services virtual networks.


By default there is no security on the Azure AI services container API. The reason for this is that most often the container will run as part of a pod which is protected from the outside by a network bridge. However, it is possible for users to construct their own authentication infrastructure to approximate the authentication methods used when accessing the cloud-based Azure AI services.

The following diagram illustrates the default and non-secure approach:

Container security

As an example of an alternative and secure approach, consumers of Azure AI containers could augment a container with a front-facing component, keeping the container endpoint private. Let's consider a scenario where we use Istio as an ingress gateway. Istio supports HTTPS/TLS and client-certificate authentication. In this scenario, the Istio frontend exposes the container access, presenting the client certificate that is approved beforehand with Istio.

Nginx is another popular choice in the same category. Both Istio and Nginx act as a service mesh and offer additional features including things like load-balancing, routing, and rate-control.

Container networking

The Azure AI containers are required to submit metering information for billing purposes. Failure to allowlist various network channels that the Azure AI containers rely on will prevent the container from working.

Allowlist Azure AI services domains and ports

The host should allowlist port 443 and the following domains:

  • *.cognitive.microsoft.com
  • *.cognitiveservices.azure.com

Disable deep packet inspection

Deep packet inspection (DPI) is a type of data processing that inspects in detail the data sent over a computer network, and usually takes action by blocking, rerouting, or logging it accordingly.

Disable DPI on the secure channels that the Azure AI containers create to Microsoft servers. Failure to do so will prevent the container from functioning correctly.

Developer samples

Developer samples are available at our GitHub repository.

Next steps

Learn about container recipes you can use with the Azure AI services.

Install and explore the functionality provided by containers in Azure AI services: