Data types in Bicep

This article describes the data types that are supported in Bicep. To define custom data types, see User-defined data types.

Supported types

Within Bicep, you can use these data types:


Arrays start with a left bracket ([) and end with a right bracket (]). In Bicep, you can declare an array in a single line or in multiple lines. Commas (,) are used between values in single-line declarations, but they aren't used in multiple-line declarations. You can mix and match single-line and multiple-line declarations. The multiple-line declaration requires Bicep CLI version 0.7.X or higher.

var multiLineArray = [

var singleLineArray = ['abc', 'def', 'ghi']

var mixedArray = ['abc', 'def'

Each array element can be of any type. You can have an array where each item is the same data type, or an array that holds different data types.

The following example shows an array of integers and an array of different types.

var integerArray = [

var mixedArray = [
  'example string'

Arrays in Bicep are based on zero. In the following example, the expression exampleArray[0] evaluates to 1 and exampleArray[2] evaluates to 3. The index of the indexer might be another expression. The expression exampleArray[index] evaluates to 2. Integer indexers are only allowed on the expression of array types.

var index = 1

var exampleArray = [

You get the following error when the index is out of bounds:

The language expression property array index 'x' is out of bounds

To avoid this exception, use the Or logical operator, as shown in the following example:

param emptyArray array = []
param numberArray array = [1, 2, 3]

output foo bool = empty(emptyArray) || emptyArray[0] == 'bar'
output bar bool = length(numberArray) <= 3 || numberArray[3] == 4


When you specify Boolean values, use true or false. Don't surround the value with quotation marks.

param exampleBool bool = true


When you specify integer values, don't use quotation marks.

param exampleInt int = 1

Bicep integers are 64-bit integers. When they're passed as inline parameters, the SDK or command-line tool you use for deployment can limit the range of values. For example, when you use PowerShell to deploy Bicep, integer types can range from -2147483648 to 2147483647. To avoid this limitation, specify large integer values in a parameter file. Resource types apply their own limits for integer properties.

Bicep supports an integer literal type that refers to a specific value that's an exact integer. In the following example, 1 is an integer literal type, and foo can only be assigned the value 1 and no other value.

output foo 1 = 1

You can declare an integer literal type either inline, as shown in the preceding example, or in a type statement.

type oneType = 1

output foo oneType = 1
output bar oneType = 2

In the preceding example, assigning 2 to bar results in a BCP033 error: "Expected a value of type 1 but the provided value is of type 2."

The following example uses an integer literal type with a union type:

output bar 1 | 2 | 3 = 3

Floating point, decimal, or binary formats aren't currently supported.


Objects start with a left brace ({) and end with a right brace (}). In Bicep, you can declare an object in a single line or in multiple lines. Each property in an object consists of a key and a value. The key and value are separated by a colon (:). An object allows any property of any type. Commas (,) are used between properties for single-line declarations, but they aren't used between properties for multiple-line declarations. You can mix and match single-line and multiple-line declarations. The multiple-line declaration requires Bicep CLI version 0.7.X or higher.

param singleLineObject object = {name: 'test name', id: '123-abc', isCurrent: true, tier: 1}

param multiLineObject object = {
  name: 'test name'
  id: '123-abc'
  isCurrent: true
  tier: 1

param mixedObject object = {name: 'test name', id: '123-abc', isCurrent: true
    tier: 1}

In Bicep, quotation marks are optionally allowed on object property keys:

var test = {
  'my - special. key': 'value'

In the preceding example, quotation marks are used when the object property keys contain special characters. Examples are space, -, or .. The following example shows how to use interpolation in object property keys.

var stringVar = 'example value'
var objectVar = {
  '${stringVar}': 'this value'

Property accessors are used to access properties of an object. They're constructed by using the . operator.

var a = {
  b: 'Dev'
  c: 42
  d: {
    e: true

output result1 string = a.b // returns 'Dev'
output result2 int = a.c // returns 42
output result3 bool = a.d.e // returns true

You can use property accessors with any object, including parameters and variables of object types and object literals. A property accessor used on an expression of a nonobject type is an error.

You can also use the [] syntax to access a property. The following example returns Development.

var environmentSettings = {
  dev: {
    name: 'Development'
  prod: {
    name: 'Production'

output accessorResult string = environmentSettings['dev'].name

In JSON, an object is an unordered collection of zero or more key or value pairs. The ordering might be different depending on the implementations. For example, the Bicep items() function sorts the objects in alphabetical order. In other places, you can preserve the original ordering. Because of this nondeterminism, avoid making any assumptions about the ordering of object keys when you write code, which interacts with deployment parameters and outputs.

You get the following error when you access a nonexisting property of an object:

The language expression property 'foo' doesn't exist

To avoid the exception, you can use the And logical operator, as shown in the following example:

param objectToTest object = {
  one: 1
  two: 2
  three: 3

output bar bool = contains(objectToTest, 'four') && objectToTest.four == 4


In Bicep, strings are marked with single quotation marks, and you must declare them on a single line. All Unicode characters with code points between 0 and 10FFFF are allowed.

param exampleString string = 'test value'

The following table lists the set of reserved characters that you must escape by using a backslash (\) character:

Escape sequence Represented value Notes
\\ \
\' '
\n Line feed (LF)
\r Carriage return (CR)
\t Tab character
\u{x} Unicode code point x The x represents a hexadecimal code point value between 0 and 10FFFF (both inclusive). Leading zeros are allowed. Code points above FFFF are emitted as a surrogate pair.
\$ $ Only escape when followed by {.
// evaluates to "what's up?"
var myVar = 'what\'s up?'

Bicep supports a string literal type that refers to a specific string value. In the following example, red is a string literal type. You can only assign the value red to redColor.

output redColor 'red' = 'red'

You can declare a string literal type either inline, as shown in the preceding example, or in a type statement.

type redColor = 'red'

output colorRed redColor = 'red'
output colorBlue redColor = 'blue'

In the preceding example, assigning blue to colorBlue results in a BCP033 error: "Expected a value of type red but the provided value is of type blue."

The following example shows a string literal type used with a union type:

type direction = 'north' | 'south' | 'east' | 'west'

output west direction = 'west'
output northWest direction = 'northwest'

All strings in Bicep support interpolation. To inject an expression, surround it by ${ and }. Expressions that are referenced can't span multiple lines.

var storageName = 'storage${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'

Multi-line strings

In Bicep, multi-line strings are defined between three single quotation marks (''') followed optionally by a newline (the opening sequence) and three single quotation marks (''' is the closing sequence). Characters that are entered between the opening and closing sequence are read verbatim. Escaping isn't necessary or possible.


The Bicep parser reads all characters as is. Depending on the line endings of your Bicep file, newlines are interpreted as either \r\n or \n.

Interpolation isn't currently supported in multi-line strings. Because of this limitation, you might need to use the concat function instead of using interpolation.

Multi-line strings that contain ''' aren't supported.

// evaluates to "hello!"
var myVar = '''hello!'''

// evaluates to "hello!" because the first newline is skipped
var myVar2 = '''

// evaluates to "hello!\n" because the final newline is included
var myVar3 = '''

// evaluates to "  this\n    is\n      indented\n"
var myVar4 = '''

// evaluates to "comments // are included\n/* because everything is read as-is */\n"
var myVar5 = '''
comments // are included
/* because everything is read as-is */

// evaluates to "interpolation\nis ${blocked}"
// note ${blocked} is part of the string, and is not evaluated as an expression
var myVar6 = '''interpolation
is ${blocked}'''

Union types

In Bicep, a union type allows the creation of a combined type that consists of a set of subtypes. An assignment is valid if any of the individual subtype assignments are permitted. The | character separates individual subtypes that use an or condition. For example, the syntax a | b means that a valid assignment could be either a or b. Union types are translated into the allowed-value constraint in Bicep, so only literals are permitted as members. Unions can include any number of literal-typed expressions.

type color = 'Red' | 'Blue' | 'White'
type trueOrFalse = 'true' | 'false'
type permittedIntegers = 1 | 2 | 3
type oneOfSeveralObjects = {foo: 'bar'} | {fizz: 'buzz'} | {snap: 'crackle'}
type mixedTypeArray = ('fizz' | 42 | {an: 'object'} | null)[]

Type unions must be reducible to a single Azure Resource Manager type, such as string, int, or bool. Otherwise, you get the BCP294 error code. For example:

type foo = 'a' | 1

You can use any type expression as a subtype in a union type declaration (between | characters). For example, the following examples are all valid:

type foo = 1 | 2
type bar = foo | 3
type baz = bar | (4 | 5) | 6

Custom-tagged union data type

Bicep supports a custom-tagged union data type, which is used to represent a value that can be one of several types. To declare a custom-tagged union data type, you can use a @discriminator() decorator. Bicep CLI version 0.21.X or higher is required to use this decorator. The syntax is:


The discriminator decorator takes a single parameter, which represents a shared property name among all union members. This property name must be a required string literal on all members and is case sensitive. The values of the discriminated property on the union members must be unique in a case-insensitive manner.

type FooConfig = {
  type: 'foo'
  value: int

type BarConfig = {
  type: 'bar'
  value: bool

param ServiceConfig  FooConfig | BarConfig | { type: 'baz', *: string } = { type: 'bar', value: true }

The parameter value is validated based on the discriminated property value. For instance, in the preceding example, if the serviceConfig parameter is of type foo, it's validated by using the FooConfig type. Similarly, if the parameter is of type bar, it's validated by using the BarConfig type. This pattern also applies to other types.

The union type has some limitations:

  • Union types must be reducible to a single Azure Resource Manager type. The following definition is invalid:

    type foo = 'a' | 1
  • Only literals are permitted as members.

  • All literals must be of the same primitive data type (for example, all strings or all integers).

You can use the union type syntax in user-defined data types.

Secure strings and objects

Secure string uses the same format as string, and secure object uses the same format as object. With Bicep, you add the @secure() decorator to a string or object.

When you set a parameter to a secure string or secure object, the value of the parameter isn't saved to the deployment history and isn't logged. If you set that secure value to a property that isn't expecting a secure value, the value isn't protected. For example, if you set a secure string to a tag, that value is stored as plain text. Use secure strings for passwords and secrets.

The following example shows two secure parameters:

param password string

param configValues object

Data type assignability

In Bicep, you can assign a value of one type (source type) to another type (target type). The following table shows which source type (listed horizontally) you can or can't assign to which target type (listed vertically). In the table, X means assignable, an empty space means not assignable, and ? means only if the types are compatible.

Types any error string number int bool null object array Named resource Named module scope
any X X X X X X X X X X X
string X X
number X X X
int X X
bool X X
null X X
object X X
array X X
resource X X
module X X
scope ?
Named resource X ? ?
Named module X ? ?

To learn about the structure and syntax of Bicep, see Bicep file structure.