Azure confidential computing
Azure confidential computing offers solutions to isolate your sensitive data while it's being processed. Learn how to deploy any application on confidential computing infrastructure by reading concepts, completing tutorials, and working with code samples.
Azure confidential computing
- Building confidential computing solutions
- Deploying confidential computing solutions
- Cleanroom solutions on confidential computing
- Microsoft Azure Attestation
- Azure Confidential Ledger
- Trusted Hardware Identity Management
- Trusted launch
- Azure Key Vault Managed HSM
- Azure SQL Always Encrypted in secure enclaves
- Azure IoT Edge
What's new
Confidential Virtual Machines
- Create confidential VM in the Azure portal
- Create confidential VM with ARM template
- Create confidential VM with Azure CLI
- Create VMSS with Confidential Disk Encryption
How-To Guide
- Use sample app for guest attestation
- Create a custom image for a confidential VM
- Deploy a virtual machine scale set using hardened image
- Confidential VMs FAQ
- DCasv5 and DCadsv5-series VM specs
- ECasv5 and ECadsv5-series VM specs
- DCesv5 and DCedsv5-series VM specs
- ECesv5 and ECedsv5-series VM specs
- Availability
What's new
Container compute
- Confidential containers on Azure overview
- Confidential VM with AMD SEV-SNP node pools in AKS
- App enclave nodes with Intel SGX in AKS
- Hello world with Confidential containers with Azure Container Instances (ACI)
- CLI based provisioning with a hello from enclave container app on AKS
- Confidential containers with Intel SGX quickstart
- App enclave aware container samples
- Confidential VM node pools on AKS
- Azure architecture center confidential container scenarios
- Confidential containers with ACC Azure Samples
- Intel SGX based VM nodes on AKS FAQ
- Confidential VM worker nodes with AKS with remote attestation - Azure Friday
- Overview of confidential computing Intel SGX nodes on AKS
- Python hello world demo with Intel SGX based confidential containers on AKS
- Confidential big data analytics with Apache Spark in enclaves