Venue address JSON class

Represents an address of a venue map or entity within a venue map.


Property Type Description
addressLine string The first line of the address that identifies the street location.
suite string The suite identifier.
locality string The populated for the address which may be the city, suburb, or neighborhood depending on the country/region.
adminDistrict string The subdivision name in the country or region (may be state, province, etc.).
adminDistrict2 string The subdivision in the adminDistrict.
postalCode string The post code, postal code, or ZIP code of the address.
countryRegionCode string The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code of the address.


  "addressLine": "One Microsoft Way",
  "locality": "Redmond",
  "adminDistrict": "WA",
  "postalCode": "98052",
  "countryRegionCode": "US"