CollectionElement Class

Groups classes whose instances form part of a collection.


class CollectionElement  


This class contains no methods.


This class contains no properties.


The following table lists the subclasses exposed by the CollectionElement class.

Name Description
AdapterElement Maps an ASP.NET mobile control to a specific device adapter.
ApplicationDependency Represents a dependency between a Web application and one or more Web service extensions.
AssemblyElement Specifies an assembly reference that is used during compilation of an ASP.NET application.
AuthenticationModuleElement Represents the type information for an authentication module.
AuthorizationRule Represents a rule in the authorization section of a configuration file.
BindingElement Represents a binding element for a Web site.
BufferModeElement Configures the ASP.NET event-buffering settings for event providers.
BuildProvider Represents a build provider that compiles custom resource files of a particular file type and generates code during compilation.
BypassElement Contains address information for resources that bypass the Web proxy server.
CachingProfileElement Configures caching for a given request extension.
ClientTarget Represents the mapping of a user agent to an alias.
CompilerElement Specifies a compiler that is used for Web applications.
ConformanceWarning Exposes a Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) specification to which a Web service declares that it conforms.
ConnectionManagementElement Defines the maximum number of connections to a server or group of servers.
ConnectionStringSettings Represents a named database connection string.
CustomError Specifies an ASP.NET custom error message for an HTTP status code error.
DeviceElement Defines an adapter set that maps ASP.NET mobile controls to corresponding adapters within the <system.web> and <mobileControls> sections of the Web.config configuration file.
DeviceFilter Specifies criteria for determining mobile browser capabilities or the type of mobile device.
DirectoryElement Specifies a code subdirectory for an ASP.NET Web application.
EventMappingElement Maps friendly event names to related event types.
ExpressionBuilder Maps an expression prefix to an expression builder type.
FastCgiApplicationElement Configures settings for a FastCGI application.
FileExtensionElement Specifies a file extension that is allowed or denied in requests.
FormsAuthenticationUser Configures user credentials for Web applications that use Forms authentication.
GlobalModuleElement Configures a global module in IIS.
GroupDependency Represents a Web service extension upon which one or more Web applications depend.
HandlerAction Exposes configuration settings for handlers.
HeaderLimitsElement Specifies the permitted sizes of HTTP headers.
HttpCompressionMimeTypeElement Specifies whether IIS will compress a particular MIME type before serving it.
HttpCompressionSchemeElement Configures a compression scheme for dynamic or static content.
HttpErrorElement Configures the response to a specific HTTP error.
HttpHandlerAction Represents an ASP.NET HTTP handler.
HttpModuleAction Represents an ASP.NET module.
IPAddressFilterElement Allows or denies access to content based on a unique combination of the IP address, subnet mask, and domain name.
IsapiCgiRestrictionElement Represents an ISAPI or Common Gateway Interface (CGI) restriction element.
IsapiFilterElement Specifies an ISAPI filter.
KeyValueElement Contains a key/value pair that represents a setting for a Web application.
ListenerAdapterElement Specifies configuration settings for a listener adapter.
ManyToOneCertificateMappingElement Maps one or more certificates to a single user account.
ManyToOneCertificateMappingRuleElement Represents a many-to-one certificate mapping rule.
MimeMapElement Specifies a MIME type associated with a file extension.
ModuleAction Represents a module entry in the <modules> section of a configuration file.
NamespaceElement Contains a single configuration namespace reference, similar to the Import directive.
NameTypeElement Associates a name and a managed type.
NameValueConfigurationElement Contains a name/value pair for an HTTP response header.
OneToOneCertificateMappingElement Represents a one-to-one mapping of a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate to a user account.
OutputCacheProfile Configures the output cache profile for the pages of a Web application.
ProfileElement Configures an event profile that determines how an event is collected by ASP.NET and raised to providers.
ProtocolElement Specifies a transmission protocol that ASP.NET can use to decrypt data sent in the HTTP request from a client browser.
ProviderElement Specifies the name and type of a provider.
ProviderFactoryElement Contains configuration settings for an ADO.NET 2.0 provider factory.
RuleElement Maps a Web event to a health-monitoring provider.
SegmentElement Specifies a URL segment whose content will not be served to the client.
SoapExtensionTypeElement Specifies a SOAP extension used to inspect or modify a SOAP message during processing on the Web service or client.
SoapTransportImporterTypeElement Imports a SOAP transmission protocol into an XML Web service.
SourceElement Specifies a trace source that initiates tracing messages.
SqlCacheDependencyDatabase Exposes configuration settings for SQL data in an ASP.NET cache.
StringElement Contains a unique string that belongs to an array that forms a property on a class in the WMI provider for IIS.
TagMapElement Contains a statement that remaps a tag type.
TagPrefixElement Contains configuration information for a custom or user control.
TraceAreaDefinition Specifies trace area names and their corresponding enumeration values for a trace provider.
TraceAreaElement Specifies criteria for generating trace events and configures the content of log file entries.
TraceProviderDefinition Specifies a trace provider's name, GUID, and trace area enumeration.
TraceUrl Configures the failed-request tracing for a specific request path.
TrustLevel Configures a trust level for Web applications on a Web server.
TypeElement Specifies a type in an array property on a Web-service-related WMI class.
UrlMapping Maps a displayed URL to the URL of a page in a Web application.
UrlSequence Represents a URL sequence that will be denied by request filtering.
VerbElement Represents an HTTP verb that is allowed or denied.
WebRequestModuleElement Represents a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) prefix and the associated class that creates Web requests for the prefix.
WebServicesProtocolElement Specifies a transmission protocol or protocols that are used to decrypt data sent from a client browser in an HTTP request.
WildcardRedirectElement Specifies a destination to which certain requests are redirected.


Type Description
Client - IIS 7.0 on Windows Vista
- IIS 7.5 on Windows 7
- IIS 8.0 on Windows 8
- IIS 10.0 on Windows 10
Server - IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008
- IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2
- IIS 8.0 on Windows Server 2012
- IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2
- IIS 10.0 on Windows Server 2016
Product - IIS 7.0, IIS 7.5, IIS 8.0, IIS 8.5, IIS 10.0
MOF file WebAdministration.mof

See Also

WMI Provider
EmbeddedObject Class