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Articles contain an overview of new and improved product features, updates, deprecated and removed features.

Content Description
New and improved features in SharePoint Server Subscription Edition Version 24H2
Learn about the new features and updates to existing features in SharePoint Server Subscription Edition Version 24H2.
New and improved features in SharePoint Server Subscription Edition Version 24H1
Learn about the new features and updates to existing features in SharePoint Server Subscription Edition Version 24H1.
New and improved features in SharePoint Server Subscription edition
Learn about the new features and updates to existing features in SharePoint Server Subscription edition.
What's deprecated or removed from SharePoint Server Subscription edition
Learn about the features and functionality that are deprecated or removed in SharePoint Server Subscription edition.
New and improved features in SharePoint Server 2019
Learn about the new features and updates to existing features in SharePoint Server 2019.
What's deprecated or removed from SharePoint Server 2019
Learn about the features and functionality that are deprecated or removed in SharePoint Server 2019.
New and improved features in SharePoint Server 2016
Learn about the new features and updates to existing features in SharePoint Server 2016.
New features in November 2016 PU for SharePoint Server 2016 (Feature Pack 1)
Learn about the new features that are included in the November 2016 Public Update for SharePoint Server 2016 (Feature Pack 1).
New features in September 2017 PU for SharePoint Server 2016 (Feature Pack 2)
Learn about the new features that are included in the September 2017 Public Update for SharePoint Server 2016(Feature Pack 2).
What's deprecated or removed from SharePoint Server 2016
Learn about the features and functionality that are deprecated or removed in SharePoint Server 2016.

See also

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