
Contains the methods for iterating through a list of substitution parameters. For information about iterators, see Iterators.


Method Name Return Type Description
hasNext Boolean Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the iterator has more elements.
next AdParam Advances the iterator and returns the next substitution parameter.
totalNumEntities int Gets the number of substitution parameters that matched the selector's selection criteria.


Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the iterator has more elements.


Type Description
Boolean Is true if the iterator has more elements; otherwise, false.


Advances the iterator and returns the next substitution parameter.


Type Description
AdParam The next substitution parameter in the iterator.


Gets the number of substitution parameters that matched the selector's selection criteria.

When you reach your entity limit for reads, the hasNext() method returns false and the next() method fails, even if the selector matched more entities.


Type Description
int The number of substitution parameters that matched the selector's selection criteria.

See also