Permissions are applied to a resource, not a user, so you will need to apply the appriopriate permissions to your storage account for your required user. For example, the "storage blob data reader" permission will give you read only access to blob data. You would assign this role to your second user on this storage account.
Azure Storage Account and Understanding of the Access Rights
I have azure subscription and have created one storage account as well. I am the default administrator of the subscription and storage account as well.
I am considering to create another user account with limited access to resources, for example, can read only but can't make changes or deletion. And similarly, when this use access the File Share, they should be able to see the files but should not be able to delete or modify the records.
Does it require changing the permissions for the file share under Azure Storage Account? If possible, I don't want to modify the Storage permissions, but create a user account with limited access.
Any step by step instructions /document will be appreciated.