GPO Change printscreen button to Win 10/Win 11 tool

Benoît@LG 21 Reputation points


All my users moving to Win 11 are lost because they can't find snipping tool anymore.
One solution is Win + Shift + S, but it would be nicer to deploy by GPO (with some regkey or sthg) the activation of "use printscreen button to open snipping tool" which is available in Parameters.

Does anyone know how to deploy it?


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  1. Limitless Technology 39,491 Reputation points

    Hello there,

    As per my research, there is GPO that will disable the print screen and disable the snipping tool. Nothing to remap the print screen button. You can try the below Registry and see if that helps

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard

    PrintScreenKeyForSnippingEnabled DWORD

    0 = Off
    1 = On

    Make a GPO registry entry for the above and see if that helps.


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  1. Benoît@LG 21 Reputation points

    Works fine! Thanks a lot

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