<span> shows this in UTF-8 encoding. Net Core 6.

Volk Volk 571 Reputation points


I have an input form for authentication, but in other languages (except latin unicode) I see strange symbols in @language.Getkey("required"). In other places of the site everything works correctly - the problem is only when I put the text in the <span> tag. How do I see the correct text in other cultures besides en-GB?


 <meta charset="utf-8">  

<div class="form-group row">  
                    <div class="col-2">  
                        <label asp-for="Email">@language.Getkey("email*")</label>  
                    <div class="col-10">  
                        <input asp-for="Email" class="form-control"/>  
                    <div class="col-10">  
                        <span asp-validation-for="Email" class="text-danger">@language.Getkey("required")</span>  



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Accepted answer
  1. JasonPan - MSFT 5,456 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi @Volk Volk

    I see that you are using asp-validation-for in span tag, and you also use jquery validate to overwrite the error message, and it not working.

    Your code has some issue. You are missing '' It should be like :

        Login: '@language.Getkey("unique_login_is_required")',  

    And I have a workaround for you, you can remove asp-validation-for="" in your span tag, and it will fix the issue.

    If the answer is the right solution, please click "Accept Answer" and kindly upvote it. If you have extra questions about this answer, please click "Comment".
    Note: Please follow the steps in our documentation to enable e-mail notifications if you want to receive the related email notification for this thread.

    Best Regards,

    1 person found this answer helpful.

1 additional answer

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  1. Volk Volk 571 Reputation points

    I don't understand, what else is there to explain? Everything is simple.
    I use this authentication (if it even plays a role in this problem).


    Any code where <span> is used together with asp-validation-form and class="text-danger" gives out all sorts of nonsense instead of Cyrillic letters.
    In other types of nodes and generally everywhere (even on the same page), Cyrillic shows correctly.

    For example:


    The code of this page is as follows:

    @model Project.Models.ApplicationUser  
        ViewData["Title"] = "Create";  
    <br />  
    @inject LanguageService language  
    <h2 class="text-info">@language.Getkey("registration")</h2>  
    <form asp-action="Create" method="post" id="user-form" enctype="multipart/form-data">  
        <div class="p-4 rounded border">  
            <div asp-validation-summary="ModelOnly" class="text-danger"></div>  
            <div class="form-group row">  
                <div class="col-2">  
                    <label asp-for="Login">@language.Getkey("login_name*")</label>  
                <div class="col-5">  
                    <input asp-for="Login" class="form-control" exp/>  
                <span asp-validation-for="Login" class="text-danger">@language.Getkey("login_requires")</span>  
            <div class="form-group row">  
                <div class="col-2">  
                    <label asp-for="Email">@language.Getkey("email*")</label>  
                <div class="col-5">                  
                    <input asp-for="Email" class="form-control"/>  
                <span asp-validation-for="Email" class="text-danger">@language.Getkey("required")</span>  
            <div class="form-group row">  
                <div class="col-2">  
                    <label asp-for="PasswordHash">@language.Getkey("password*")</label>  
                <div class="col-5">  
                    <form action="">  
                    <div class="form-item">  
                        <input asp-for="PasswordHash" type="password" class="form-control form-control-lg" id="password" placeholder="password"/>  
                        <i class="fas fa-eye" id="eye"></i>  
                <span asp-validation-for="PasswordHash" class="text-danger">@language.Getkey("password_requires")</span>  
            <div class="form-group row">  
                <div class="col-2">  
                    <label asp-for="FirstName">@language.Getkey("first_name*")</label>  
                <div class="col-5">  
                    <input asp-for="FirstName" class="form-control"/>  
                <span asp-validation-for="FirstName" class="text-danger">@language.Getkey("required")</span>  
            <div class="form-group row">  
                <div class="col-2">  
                    <label asp-for="LastName">@language.Getkey("last_name*")</label>  
                <div class="col-5">  
                    <input asp-for="LastName" class="form-control" />  
                <span asp-validation-for="LastName" class="text-danger">@language.Getkey("required")</span>  
            <div class="form-group">  
                <a asp-area="Customer" asp-action="Index" asp-controller="Home" class="button large">@language.Getkey("general")</a>  
                <input type="submit" class="button large" value="@language.Getkey("register")"/>  
    @section Scripts{  
        @{ await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial");}  
            $(document).ready(function () {  
                    rules: {  
                         Login : {  
                            required: true  
                         Email : {  
                            required: true  
                         PasswordHash : {  
                            required: true  
                         FirstName : {  
                            required: true  
                         LastName : {  
                            required: true  
                    messages: {  
                          Login: @language.Getkey("unique_login_is_required"),  
                          Email: @language.Getkey("email_is_required"),  
                          PasswordHash: @language.Getkey("password_is_required"),  
                          FirstName: @language.Getkey("first_name_is_required"),  
                          LastName: @language.Getkey("last_name_is_required")  

    My code responsible for changing the language is as follows:

                 services.AddLocalization(options => options.ResourcesPath = "Resources");  
                    .AddDataAnnotationsLocalization(options =>  
                        options.DataAnnotationLocalizerProvider = (type, factory) =>  
                            var assemblyName = new AssemblyName(typeof(ShareResource).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.FullName);  
                            return factory.Create("ShareResource", assemblyName.Name);  
                     options =>  
                         var supportedCultures = new List<CultureInfo>  
                                 new CultureInfo("ru-RU"),  
                                 new CultureInfo("en-En")  
                         options.DefaultRequestCulture = new RequestCulture(culture: "ru-RU", uiCulture: "ru-RU");  
                         options.SupportedCultures = supportedCultures;  
                         options.SupportedUICultures = supportedCultures;  
                         options.RequestCultureProviders.Insert(0, new QueryStringRequestCultureProvider());                     
     using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization;  
     using System.Reflection;  
     namespace Project.Models  
         public class LanguageService  
             private IStringLocalizer _localizer;  
             public LanguageService(IStringLocalizerFactory factory)  
                 var type = typeof(ShareResource);  
                 var assemblyName = new AssemblyName(type.GetTypeInfo().Assembly.FullName);  
                 _localizer = factory.Create("SharedResource", assemblyName.Name);  
             public LocalizedString Getkey(string key)  
                 return _localizer[key];  

    Well, there are, as always, files of the .resx


    That's it! There 's nothing more to tell.

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