The MaxProficiencies property's Setter does not always fire, even when I change the value. Why is it doing that?

Rod At Work 866 Reputation points

We're using MVVM Light. Here's the MaxProficiencies definition:

public int? MaxProficiencies
 if (Solution != null)
 return Solution.MaxProficiencies;

 IsMaxProficienciesCompleted = false;

 return 0;
 if (value == null)
 IsMaxProficienciesCompleted = false;
 var tmpMaxProfs = value.Value;
 Solution.MaxProficiencies = tmpMaxProfs;
 solutionDirty = true;
 AvailProficiencies = CalculateAvailableProficiencies();

 if (value > 0)
 IsMaxProficienciesCompleted = true;
 IsMaxProficienciesCompleted = false;


I have a strong suspicious that this validation rule has a lot to do with the Max Proficiencies Setter not firing the second time Max Proficiencies is changed:

public class MaxProficienciesValidationRule : ValidationRule
 /// <summary>
 /// The minimum integer value that MaxProficiences can be
 /// </summary>
 public long Min { get; set; }

 /// <summary>
 /// The value of the current Solution ID
 /// </summary>
 public long SolutionID { get; set; }

 public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
 if (value == null)
 return new ValidationResult(false, "Empty string invalid");

 if (SolutionID > 0)
 //this is an existing Solution, so it must have been previously validated
 return new ValidationResult(true, "");

 long proposedMaxProficiencies;
 if (((string)value).Length > 0)
 proposedMaxProficiencies = Int64.Parse((string)value);
 return new ValidationResult(false, "Empty string invalid");
 catch (Exception ex)
 return new ValidationResult(false, $"Illegal character(s) or {ex.Message}");

 if (proposedMaxProficiencies < Min)
 return new ValidationResult(false, $"MaxProficiencies must be greater than or equal to {Min}");

 return new ValidationResult(true, "");

 public MaxProficienciesValidationRuleWrapper Wrapper { get; set; }

And finally, here's the code snippet from the ViewModel, where I've defined the MaxProficiencies property. I've placed a breakpoint at the start of the Set. If I enter in a value, say 1. It fires. However, if I clear the value, from that point onward it no longer goes to the Set, even if I put in 0, or 1, or 10. It just stops every being set again.

public int? MaxProficiencies
        if (Solution != null)
            return Solution.MaxProficiencies;

        IsMaxProficienciesCompleted = false;

        return 0;
        if (value == null)
            IsMaxProficienciesCompleted = false;
            var tmpMaxProfs = value.Value;
            Solution.MaxProficiencies = tmpMaxProfs;
            solutionDirty = true;
            AvailProficiencies = CalculateAvailableProficiencies();

            if (value > 0)
                IsMaxProficienciesCompleted = true;
                IsMaxProficienciesCompleted = false;

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