Azure blob services - AuthorizationFailed - /Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<ACCOUNT_NAME>/blobServices/default - JAVA sdk
I am trying to obtain the "Versioning" status of my Storage account using azure-sdk-for-java
// Azure environment URL is "" hence used "AzureEnvironment.AZURE"
// this.clientSecretCredential ->is built using AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET, AZURE_TENANT_ID
AzureProfile profile = new AzureProfile("<TENANT_ID", "<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>", AzureEnvironment.AZURE);
StorageManager manager = StorageManager.authenticate(this.clientSecretCredential, profile);
BlobServicesClient blobServicesClient = manager.serviceClient().getBlobServices();
// Exception is thrown at the following line
BlobServicePropertiesInner blobServicePropertiesInner = blobServicesClient.getServiceProperties("<RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>", "<ACCOUNT_NAME>");
boolean versionFlag = blobServicePropertiesInner.isVersioningEnabled();
Azure configuration details:
- Subscrition: "<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>" is created in the subscriptions.
- Resource Group: "<RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>" is configured with the "<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>".
- Storage Accouunt: "<ACCOUNT_NAME>" is configured with the "<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>".
- App Registartion: "<APP_REGISTARTION>" is created to provide the "<AZURE_CLIENT_ID>", "<AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET>", "<AZURE_TENANT_ID>"
- Role Assignments: "DEVELOPER" has "Reader" access across subscriptions, resource groups, storage accounts but still I still have no idea on how the App registration is configured into the subscription
Error Message:
"code": "ERROR",
"message": "Status code 403, \"{\"error\":{\"code\":\"AuthorizationFailed\",\"message\":\"The client '<APP_REGISTARTION_OBJECT_ID>' with object id '<APP_REGISTARTION_OBJECT_ID>' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/read' over scope '/subscriptions/{"<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>"}/resourceGroups/Titaniam-Sandbox/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/sandboxtestaccount/blobServices/default' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials.\"}}\""
Kinldy let me know what is the mistake i am making whether it is a code issue or configuration issue.
Things i am need of clarification:
- Is there any other way to get the "is Versioning enabled" value using azure-sdk-for-java?
- How App registration is connected with subscription.
- How are roles connected with App registration as well as subscription.
- How to set the scope
- How to add the application and how to identify the application.
Thanks in advance.