Ensure that you adhere to the following prerequisites while building your Teams personal and channel or group tab:
Allow your tab pages to be discovered in an iFrame, using X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy HTTP response headers.
- Set header: Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors teams.microsoft.com *.teams.microsoft.com *.skype.com
- For Internet Explorer 11 compatibility, set X-Content-Security-Policy.
- Alternately, set header X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM https://teams.microsoft.com/. This header is deprecated but still accepted by most browsers.
Login pages don't render in iFrames, as a safeguard against clickjacking. Your authentication logic needs to use a method other than redirect. For example, use token-based or cookie-based authentication.
Reference Document-https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/tabs/how-to/create-channel-group-tab?pivots=node-java-script
Tab Prerequisites-https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/tabs/how-to/tab-requirements
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