Hello, are you looking for information about available VMs, or to find more information about your VMs that you currently have deployed?
If you are looking for a list of available VM configurations, these can be different in every Azure Region, and there are several ways to list all available VM SKUs. You can find it in Azure Portal (when creating new VM), or programatically:
Get-AZVMSize -Location "westus2"
Azure CLI:
az vm list-sizes --location "westus2"
This will return information such as" Name of the VM SKU, number of cores, disk sizes, memory, Max Disc Count, etc.
If you are looking for something more specific, you can always use Where, for example like this:
Get-AzVMSize -Location "westus2" | Where {$_.NumberOfCores -gt 16}
If you need to find information about existing VMs, you can do that like this:
Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName "RGName" -Name "VMName"
Azure CLI:
az vm get-instance-view -g RGName -n VMName
If you have any more questions please let us know. If this answered your question, please select "Accept this answer" to help me and others looking for a same information.
Thank you,