Hi MichaelUsry-8672,
try Ironpossum's solution in the following thread if it works for you too:
Sharing Cellular connection over Ethernet
We have a Cellular laptop we have at a customers site we're wanting to connect to the local network to have our PLC email logs. We've not been able to get the two connections to work together in Windows 10 pro. Can it work in Windows 11 or does someone have a solution where we can get it to work?
franco d'esaro 276 Reputation points
5 additional answers
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2022-09-16T14:24:21.647+00:00 Maybe this one helps.
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/desktop/legacy/aa366124(v=vs.85)--please don't forget to
andAccept as answer
if the reply is helpful-- -
Michael Usry 21 Reputation points
2022-09-16T14:49:25.217+00:00 Here's the issue with 'Sharing' though, as soon as the Ethernet cable is plugged in, the Cellular network quits working.
2022-09-16T15:12:57.69+00:00 You didn't say how the cell connects to laptop. Maybe something like this
Michael Usry 21 Reputation points
2022-09-16T16:09:11.787+00:00 We have a USB to Ethernet adapter on the laptop. The Mobile Hotspot does not give us an Ethernet option to do this.