How about Microsoft Pay for our Upgrades everytime they screw with out OS and Computers?

TalismanSkulls 1 Reputation point

I Own my computer. You don't! You want to act like you do then you can pay for its replacement! I am sick of updates that screw with our systems , demand more private information, intentionally creates more breaches in security than plugs them, and imposes all these BS updates with this planned obsolescence! Improving security?

BS. All you big tech types expose more of our information than protect it or you wouldn't keep asking for or swindling us out of more and more personal identifiable data! You can damn well make updates compatible with computers that work just fine. This Scam needs to STOP!

The minority of us don't have hundreds of dollars to spare just to "replace a processor (especially one there is nothing wrong with), or a motherboard, or ram, or, or, or! I am thinking a class action lawsuit for this constant destruction of our personal property you have done including our privacy.

Windows 11
Windows 11
A Microsoft operating system designed for productivity, creativity, and ease of use.
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