Windows 95 and NT is an ancient operating system, the recommended resolution is to upgrade the system, but I assume that you might have some legacy applications in your environment, keeping them will give you backward compatibility.
To my knowledge, Windows 95/NT cannot authenticate on a Windows Server 2008 domain. However I cannot give it a try, and failed to find any documentation about this.
All I can suggest is to prepare a testing environment to give it a try prior to making changes in the production environment.
Additionally, even for Windows 98 there are certain limitations that may apply to 95 when joining a 2008 DFL, you can apply the same settings on your test environment if it helps:
https://social.technet.microsoft. com/wiki/contents/articles/1596.windows-98-cannot-join-a-windows-server-2008-domain-dsforum2wiki.aspx
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