Format SharePoint Forms
Hello everyone, I have a tricky question for you.
I would like to create a form for my company in which we register external visitors who come to us at the company.
I need the visitorDAY for this, which can have several visitors (persons), a 1-n relationship.
I have one list where I enter all the information for the visitorDAY and a second list where I enter the visitor/s information. so far so good. but this two separate lists, but I would like 1 overview list where all the information is to be entered. From the visitor day and the visitors who belong to it. can someone explain this to me in an easy way :D
I already know the lookup field and would like to do it in that direction. I just find it very tedious to enter the visitors first and then select them for the day. I would prefer a form that does everything in one. (if it is possible I would like to use the lookup field of course)