error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed

WenQing 6 Reputation points

The TextToSpeech sdk is used in out SpringBoot project, everything is ok when develop in local environment, but it does not work after deploy to the centos7.

[984613]: 26ms SPX_TRACE_INFO: AZ_LOG_INFO: tlsio_openssl.c:1826 load_system_store not implemented on this platform
[984613]: 26ms SPX_TRACE_INFO: AZ_LOG_INFO: tlsio_openssl.c:1859 CRL check enabled.
[984613]: 429ms SPX_TRACE_SCOPE_EXIT: uws_web_socket.cpp:149 Open
[984613]: 429ms SPX_TRACE_INFO: usp_connection.cpp:762 Create requestId for messageType 0
[984613]: 529ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: AZ_LOG_ERROR: tlsio_openssl.c:691 error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
[984613]: 529ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: AZ_LOG_ERROR: tlsio_openssl.c:2441 FORCE-Closing tlsio instance.
[984613]: 529ms SPX_TRACE_SCOPE_ENTER: uws_web_socket.cpp:247 OnWebSocketOpened
[984613]: 529ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: web_socket.cpp:944 WS open operation failed with result=1(WS_OPEN_ERROR_UNDERLYING_IO_OPEN_FAILED), code=2550[0x000009f6], time=2022-09-21T11:46:09.5903947Z
[984613]: 529ms SPX_TRACE_INFO: usp_connection.cpp:908 TS:504, TransportError: connection:0x2c394b40, code=5, string=Connection failed (no connection to the remote host). Internal error: 1. Error details: Failed with error: WS_OPEN_ERROR_UNDERLYING_IO_OPEN_FAILED
X-ConnectionId: ef49fa7e370041a19d8a860a8566480f
[984613]: 529ms SPX_DBG_TRACE_VERBOSE: usp_tts_engine_adapter.cpp:799 Response: On Error: Code:5, Message: Connection failed (no connection to the remote host). Internal error: 1. Error details: Failed with error: WS_OPEN_ERROR_UNDERLYING_IO_OPEN_FAILED
X-ConnectionId: ef49fa7e370041a19d8a860a8566480f.

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