I develop Blazor WebAssemly application.
One of the application feature is to allow to download files from API service.
In the API controller that provides files to download I have following method:
public async Task<IActionResult> DownloadApplicationAsync([FromQuery] string sessionId, [FromRoute] string applicationIdentifier)
return File(Content, "application/zip", FileName);
In the WebAssembly client there is button with link to the application to download:
<a class="btn btn-secondary downloadlink" style="background-color:green" href="@GenerateDownloadLinkForApplication(application)">Download</a>
GenerateDownloadLinkForApplication method returns:
When the code is built and run using Visual Studio, click on the Download button triggers File/Folder selection dialog to select location and filename for the file.
This is expected result.
Unfortunately, when I publish the application to folder the behaviour is different.
Click on the Download button causes application to open page (that obviously does not exists) from the Url above instead of triggering the download dialog.
Here is my publish profile:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LastUsedPlatform>Any CPU</LastUsedPlatform>
<SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish />
Additional results:
- Run the application from build output
- Download button triggers download dialog to save file
- Paste the link into a browser url bar triggers download dialog to save file
- Right click on the download button and select "Save target as..." triggers download dialog to save the file
- Run the application from published files
- Download button causes application to open a different page that does not exists
- Paste the link into a browser url bar causes application to open a different page that does not exists
- Right click on the downlaod button and select "Save target as..." triggers download dialog to save the file
- Adding "www" into url and paste the link into a browser url bar triggers download dialog to save file
Why publishing changes this behaviour? Do I need to change any configuration to make application to work with results from first case?