My Sites do not open after standard configuration on Sharepoint Server 2019

Noorul Ahmed (MEA) 1 Reputation point

I setup the My Sites site collection in a new Application on Sharepoint Server 2019 and by following the steps as described in the link below:

After completing the configuration, when I click on the https://<URL>/my to access the My Sites, I get the 404 error. I completed all the steps in the guide.

Please find the ULS log for review. There are no Event Viewer logs. There is no customization done.

09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Logging Correlation Data	xmnv	Medium	Name=Request (GET:http://inportal01:8080/my)	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwhz	Medium	SPRequestModule.BeginRequestHandler End, SP Build Version: '16.0.10390.20000'	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Claims Authentication	bjkuz	Medium	Using input cookie name. CookieName: 'FedAuth'.	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Application Authentication	bjvyg	Medium	SPApplicationAuthenticationModule: Clear outgoing token context from SpThreadContext	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Application Authentication	bnksk	Medium	SPApplicationAuthenticationModule: Clear cross tenant token context from SpThreadContext	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwh6	Medium	SPRequestModule.PostAuthenticateRequestHandler Begin	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Authentication Authorization	agb9s	Medium	Non-OAuth request. IsAuthenticated=False, UserIdentityName=, ClaimsCount=0	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Runtime	ajd6k	Medium	Value for isAnonymousAllowed is : False	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Runtime	ajd6l	Medium	Value for checkAuthenticationCookie is : True	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Claims Authentication	af32k	Medium	Claims Windows Sign-In: Sending 401 for request 'http://inportal01:8080/my' because the user is not authenticated and resource requires authentication.	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	General	b6p2	Medium	Sending HTTP response 401 - text/plain:401 UNAUTHORIZED.	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwia	Medium	SPRequestModule.PostLogRequestHandler Begin	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwib	Medium	SPRequestModule.PostLogRequestHandler End	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwic	Medium	SPRequestModule.EndRequestHandler Begin	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Micro Trace	uls4	Medium	Micro Trace Tags: 0 avwhy,0 nasq,1 avwhz,0 bjkuz,0 bjvyg,0 bnksk,0 avwh6,0 agb9s,0 ajd6k,0 ajd6l,0 af32k,0 b6p2,0 avwia,0 avwib,0 avwic	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Runtime	aoxsq	Medium	Sending HTTP response 302 for HTTP GET request	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Unified Audit	bm7sm	High	SPRequestModule::CreatePageViewedAuditEntry: Required parameters not set properly,exiting creating PageViewed SPUnifiedAuditEntry	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Monitoring	b4ly	Medium	Leaving Monitored Scope: (Request (GET:http://inportal01:8080/my)) Execution Time=4.4138; CPU Milliseconds=3; SQL Query Count=0; Parent=None	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Usage Infrastructure	d0i1	Monitorable	Write trace failed for type Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPRequestUsageEntry with errorCode 8	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Usage Infrastructure	atjai	High	Log RequestUsage Failed	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwid	Medium	SPRequestModule.EndRequestHandler End	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:53.99	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	General	b6p2	Medium	Sending HTTP response 401 - text/plain:401 UNAUTHORIZED.	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Application Authentication	arftr	Medium	SPApplicationAuthenticationModule.IsBearerChallengeRequested: Return 'False'.	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Claims Authentication	crpqx	Medium	STS setting for SuppressModernAuthForOfficeClients:'True'.	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Application Authentication	bjkut	Medium	IsClaimsTrustedAuthenticationOnly: 'False', IsOfficeClientIDCRLRequest: 'False', HasSPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer: 'False', ForceIdcrlForOfficeClients: 'True'.	506369a0-9cd4-0090-23e8-f8d843f53ed4  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Logging Correlation Data	xmnv	Medium	Name=Request (GET:http://inportal01:8080/my)	506369a0-5cd5-0090-23e8-f52b4e4ca6a1  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwhz	Medium	SPRequestModule.BeginRequestHandler End, SP Build Version: '16.0.10390.20000'	506369a0-5cd5-0090-23e8-f52b4e4ca6a1  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwia	Medium	SPRequestModule.PostLogRequestHandler Begin	506369a0-5cd5-0090-23e8-f52b4e4ca6a1  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwib	Medium	SPRequestModule.PostLogRequestHandler End	506369a0-5cd5-0090-23e8-f52b4e4ca6a1  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwic	Medium	SPRequestModule.EndRequestHandler Begin	506369a0-5cd5-0090-23e8-f52b4e4ca6a1  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwh5	Medium	SPRequestModule.PreSendRequestHeaders End	506369a0-5cd5-0090-23e8-f52b4e4ca6a1  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Micro Trace	uls4	Medium	Micro Trace Tags: 0 avwhy,0 nasq,0 avwhz,0 avwia,0 avwib,0 avwic,0 avwh5	506369a0-5cd5-0090-23e8-f52b4e4ca6a1  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Runtime	aoxsq	Medium	Sending HTTP response 401 for HTTP GET request	506369a0-5cd5-0090-23e8-f52b4e4ca6a1  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Runtime	clyy4	Medium	Sending WWW-Authenticate header with response. NTLM	506369a0-5cd5-0090-23e8-f52b4e4ca6a1  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Monitoring	b4ly	Medium	Leaving Monitored Scope: (Request (GET:http://inportal01:8080/my)) Execution Time=1.3263; CPU Milliseconds=1; SQL Query Count=0; Parent=None	506369a0-5cd5-0090-23e8-f52b4e4ca6a1  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwid	Medium	SPRequestModule.EndRequestHandler End	506369a0-5cd5-0090-23e8-f52b4e4ca6a1  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Application Authentication	arftr	Medium	SPApplicationAuthenticationModule.IsBearerChallengeRequested: Return 'False'.	506369a0-5cd5-0090-23e8-f52b4e4ca6a1  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Claims Authentication	crpqx	Medium	STS setting for SuppressModernAuthForOfficeClients:'True'.	506369a0-5cd5-0090-23e8-f52b4e4ca6a1  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.00	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x347C	SharePoint Foundation	Application Authentication	bjkut	Medium	IsClaimsTrustedAuthenticationOnly: 'False', IsOfficeClientIDCRLRequest: 'False', HasSPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer: 'False', ForceIdcrlForOfficeClients: 'True'.	506369a0-5cd5-0090-23e8-f52b4e4ca6a1  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.01	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Logging Correlation Data	xmnv	Medium	Name=Request (GET:http://inportal01:8080/my)	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.01	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwhz	Medium	SPRequestModule.BeginRequestHandler End, SP Build Version: '16.0.10390.20000'	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Claims Authentication	bjkuz	Medium	Using input cookie name. CookieName: 'FedAuth'.	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Audience Validation	a9fy6	Medium	The absolute uri validation succeeded. AudienceUri: 'http://inportal01:8080/my'.	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Application Authentication	bjvyg	Medium	SPApplicationAuthenticationModule: Clear outgoing token context from SpThreadContext	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Application Authentication	bnksk	Medium	SPApplicationAuthenticationModule: Clear cross tenant token context from SpThreadContext	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwh6	Medium	SPRequestModule.PostAuthenticateRequestHandler Begin	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Authentication Authorization	agb9s	Medium	Non-OAuth request. IsAuthenticated=True, UserIdentityName=0#.w|bc\sp_admin, ClaimsCount=27	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Runtime	ajd6k	Medium	Value for isAnonymousAllowed is : False	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Runtime	ajd6l	Medium	Value for checkAuthenticationCookie is : True	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwh7	Medium	SPRequestModule.PostAuthenticateRequestHandler End	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwh8	Medium	SPRequestModule.PostAuthorizeRequestHandler Begin	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwh0	Medium	SPRequestModule.PostResolveRequestCacheHandler Begin	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwh1	Medium	SPRequestModule.PostResolveRequestCacheHandler End	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	aj1kn	Medium	SPRequestModule.AcquireRequestStateHandler	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwh2	Medium	SPRequestModule.PostAcquireRequestStateHandler Begin	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwh3	Medium	SPRequestModule.PostAcquireRequestStateHandler End	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwhu	Medium	SPRequestModule.PreRequestExecuteAppHandler Begin	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Claims Authentication	anvuv	Medium	Context has no SMTP/UPN claims. IdentityContext: '{"nameid":"s-1-5-21-110126207-1055368996-3668195023-2651","nii":"urn:office:idp:activedirectory","upn":"SP_Admin@BC.GOV.SA","userId":"0#.w|bc\\sp_admin","appliesTo":"http:\/\/inportal01:8080\/"}'	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x35A4	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwhv	Medium	SPRequestModule.PreRequestExecuteAppHandler End	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x3348	SharePoint Foundation	General	af71	Medium	HTTP Request method: GET	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x3348	SharePoint Foundation	General	af75	Medium	Overridden HTTP request method: GET	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.02	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x3348	SharePoint Foundation	General	af74	Medium	HTTP request URL: /my	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.03	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x3348	SharePoint Foundation	Files	arc5u	Medium	Entering Monitored Scope (VdocumentStore::httpGetDocument). Parent=Request (GET:http://inportal01:8080/my)	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.03	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x3348	SharePoint Foundation	Files	axs1i	Medium	validateUrlForStore: using extended URL length limits: fullUrl = 400, dirName = 400, leafName = 400, storeOp = 2	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.03	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x3348	SharePoint Foundation	Database	ax0rv	Medium	Entering Monitored Scope (SPSqlClient(proc_FetchDocForHttpGet)). Parent=VdocumentStore::httpGetDocument	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.06	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x3348	SharePoint Foundation	Database	ax0rv	Medium	Leaving Monitored Scope: (SPSqlClient(proc_FetchDocForHttpGet)) Execution Time=29.6716; CPU Milliseconds=4; SQL Query Count=0; Parent=VdocumentStore::httpGetDocument	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.06	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x3348	SharePoint Foundation	Database	ax649	Medium	SQL ordinal 0 output value 2 as HR 0x80070002.	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.06	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x3348	SharePoint Foundation	Files	aise3	Medium	Failure when fetching document. 0x80070002	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.06	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x3348	SharePoint Foundation	Files	arc5u	Medium	Leaving Monitored Scope: (VdocumentStore::httpGetDocument) Execution Time=30.9045; CPU Milliseconds=6; SQL Query Count=1; Parent=Request (GET:http://inportal01:8080/my)	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.06	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x3348	SharePoint Foundation	Files	arc5u	Medium	____HResult: 0x80070002	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.06	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x3348	SharePoint Foundation	Files	arc5u	Medium	____Data Size: 0	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.07	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x14DC	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwia	Medium	SPRequestModule.PostLogRequestHandler Begin	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.07	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x14DC	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwib	Medium	SPRequestModule.PostLogRequestHandler End	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.07	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x14DC	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwic	Medium	SPRequestModule.EndRequestHandler Begin	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.07	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x14DC	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwh5	Medium	SPRequestModule.PreSendRequestHeaders End	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.07	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x14DC	SharePoint Foundation	Micro Trace	uls4	Medium	Micro Trace Tags: 0 avwhy,0 nasq,0 avwhz,11 bjkuz,1 a9fy6,0 bjvyg,0 bnksk,0 avwh6,0 agb9s,0 ajd6k,0 ajd6l,0 avwh7,0 avwh8,1 avwh0,0 avwh1,0 aj1kn,0 avwh2,0 avwh3,0 avwhu,0 anvuv,0 avwhv,42 avwia,0 avwib,0 avwic,0 avwh5	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.07	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x14DC	SharePoint Foundation	Runtime	aoxsq	Medium	Sending HTTP response 404 for HTTP GET request	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.07	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x14DC	SharePoint Foundation	Unified Audit	bm7sm	High	SPRequestModule::CreatePageViewedAuditEntry: Required parameters not set properly,exiting creating PageViewed SPUnifiedAuditEntry	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.07	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x14DC	SharePoint Foundation	Usage Infrastructure	d0i1	Monitorable	Write trace failed for type Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPLogEventUsageEntry:UserEngagement with errorCode 8	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.07	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x14DC	SharePoint Foundation	Monitoring	b4ly	Medium	Leaving Monitored Scope: (Request (GET:http://inportal01:8080/my)) Execution Time=60.9267; CPU Milliseconds=13; SQL Query Count=2; Parent=None	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.07	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x14DC	SharePoint Foundation	Usage Infrastructure	d0i1	Monitorable	Write trace failed for type Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPRequestUsageEntry with errorCode 8	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.07	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x14DC	SharePoint Foundation	Usage Infrastructure	atjai	High	Log RequestUsage Failed	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  
09/28/2022 15:17:54.07	w3wp.exe (0x1254)	0x14DC	SharePoint Foundation	Asp Runtime	avwid	Medium	SPRequestModule.EndRequestHandler End	506369a0-acd5-0090-23e8-fc63a55f2bb0  

Please help as the users are unable to change the language settings by clicking "About Me" link on the communication sites.


SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
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3 answers

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  1. Xuyan Ding - MSFT 7,561 Reputation points

    Hi @Noorul Ahmed (MEA) ,

    If your configuration is correct, it may be that My Site is not a trusted site.
    Are you using an Explicit inclusion path for the “My site host location” option when you create mysite?
    Under My Site Settings, Click Configure Trusted Host Locations and add My Site Host collection URL. Check again whether a 404 error will be reported.

    Also please check if this article with a similar problem is useful to you: SharePoint 2013 MySite 404 Error

    If that doesn't work, just recreate the My Site collection. (Try using an existing IIS site instead of creating a new IIS site on a new port as before.)

    If the answer is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and kindly upvote it. If you have extra questions about this answer, please click "Comment".

    Note: Please follow the steps in our documentation to enable e-mail notifications if you want to receive the related email notification for this thread.

  2. Noorul Ahmed (MEA) 1 Reputation point

    I tried all the steps mentioned, recreated the my sites, but still issue is there. I can open url/personal/<username> but not About Me page

  3. Noorul Ahmed (MEA) 1 Reputation point

    I deleted and tried recreating another web application on port 8080, configure My Sites on root, Setup UPS My Sites but it still shows 404 error. How can I check Server Publishing Infrastructure feature, as the site is showing 404 error

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