How to use v2.1 compose custom model method with REST URI

ihwan 41 Reputation points

I want to use compose custom model method with REST URI, not labeling tool website.

I tried to follow "Form Recognizer API (v2.1-preview.1)" guide.

But I could not find any parameters for body section.


Azure AI Document Intelligence
Azure AI Document Intelligence
An Azure service that turns documents into usable data. Previously known as Azure Form Recognizer.
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  1. romungi-MSFT 42,986 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    @ihwan You can use the following in the body to create a compose model

        "description": "Request contract for compose operation.",  
        "modelIds": ["model_guid","model_guid"],  
        "modelName": "Rohit123"  

    The response for a successful compose should be 201 created. Use the model id in the location field of your response in the GetCustomModel API to check the details of your composed model




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