Hello there,
When initially deploying new Windows devices, Windows Autopilot uses the OEM-optimized version of the Windows client. Instead of re-imaging the device, your existing Windows installation can be transformed into a "business-ready" state so my guess is it is not a new image.
You can check the build date of the image to check whether it is a custom build image (which in case you tampered with it) or an original OEM image.
As far as I know, you can also use Windows Autopilot to reset, repurpose, and recover devices.
When you create a provisioning package from Windows Deployment Toolkit, there is a handy option to "remove pre-installed apps".
Overview of Windows Autopilot https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/autopilot/windows-autopilot
Identify a custom image https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-deployment/identify-a-custom-image/m-p/302823
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