Azure App Service Site and SCM Site Return 503 Unavailable

PS 6 Reputation points

We have a production deployment slot with a Beta slot under it.

The production application is running fine and has been without issues The Beta site was running fine last evening but as of this morning started returning 503 errors. Nothing has changed as far as Azure configuration or code deployment in the last 12 hours. Even after multiple attempts to restart the site we are unable to browse to the site itself or the SCM console. The logs cannot be viewed properly either as all those pages return service unavailable also.

I have seen some other responses say it could be a backend environment issue and that scaling up and back down has fixed it. That could be correct, but we cannot bring our production application down to test it out.

Any thoughts?

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
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