.net maui, timer on a page to retreive data without page refresh

MahamatHammat-5360 1 Reputation point


i am creating a .net Maui/Xamarin mobile application, it is an application to sell items. there is 2 main steps

1- seller send a product for sell 2- clients start to send their price offer for that product

now after the seller send the product for sell, he should start receive the price offers from clients at they send it.

my issue is that i want the page shows the offers from clients as they send it automatically without clicking any button or doing any page refresh. MVVM and observables will refresh my list for example after the data is received. but how to make the app go and get the new offers from client in the background and then update the observables in the viewModel.

does anyone have any idea on the best way of doing this other than the one mentioned about

thank you

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