Having trouble finding where the knowledges sources and conversations with any of the Language studio services is being saved in azure portal.
Hi, I am having trouble finding the storage account or where specifically on Azure, where all the knowledge bases are being stored for Language studio by default. I can see them on the Language Studio portal, but I need to be able to access the conversations and knowledge base storage account for custom Q&A for example, but I can't see where it is being stored or saved. I am trying to add knowledges sources through code on a chat bot as an attachment and deploy them. I found on the azure language resource that is created in the 'features' section that you can add a storage account there, but I am getting an error there when I try to create one. I also found that in the azure search service that needs to be created for language studio that the Q&A and CLUs created are added on there as indexes and you can add a storage there as well, but I do not believe that is what I need. If there is any info on where on Azure the knowledge bases are being saved when adding to the Q&A and other services.