I have read this document for better understanding to achieve my requirement I have tried this below code
using the below jquery scripts
<script src="https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-1.8.0.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.ui/1.8.22/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<link rel="Stylesheet" href="https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.ui/1.8.10/themes/redmond/jquery-ui.css" />
and I have commented the above scripts and used this as per document my logic enable or disable logic is not working but as show in the document example is working...
So suggest me which concept should I use to achieve this functionality.
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.0.js"></script>
Dynamically adding the records to jquery table using this below code
function AddAutoTradePagerows() {
$('#btnAdd').on("click", function (e) {
//selectedinstrument: $('#AutoTradeTop_Instrument option:selected').text()
var paramsmbl = { entredsmbl: $('#search').val() };
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: "AutoTrade.aspx/AutoFillData",
data: JSON.stringify(paramsmbl),
dataType: "json",
dataFilter: function (data) {
return data;
success: function (data) {
var ddlExitoptsdata = '';
$.each(data.d, function (key, value) {
if (value.Type == "exitparameters") {
//Adding values to variable
ddlExitoptsdata += "<option>" + value.TypeData + "</option>";
//Calling method to fill the data
AddTableRowsToTable(symbol, instrument, expdate, lotsize, delta, ltpliveamount, strikeprice, optionsdata, ddlExitoptsdata, ddlSToptsdata);
error: function ajaxError(data) {
alert(data.status + ' : ' + data.statusText);
function AddTableRowsToTable(initialsymbal, inst, exdate, lsize, delta, ltp, sprice, optionsdata, ddlExitoptsdata, ddlSToptsdata) {
//adding the dropdownlist ot variable
var ddlExit = "<select class='exitselect' id='ddlexitauto' onchange='ddlexitchange(this.value);'>" + ddlExitoptsdata + "</select>";
var trd = "";
trd += "<tr>";
trd += "<td>";
trd += ddlExit; // dynamically adding the dropdownlist to jquery table
trd += "</td>";
trd += "<td class='text-center txtdisable'><input type='text' id='EntryParameters_tgt' class='tabletwotextbox'> </td>";
trd += "<td class='text-center txtdisable'><input type='text' id='EntryParameters_sl' class='tabletwotextbox'> </td>";
trd += "<td class='text-center txtdisable'><input type='text' id='EntryParameters_tt' class='tabletwotextbox'> </td>";
trd += "<td class='text-center txtdisable'><input type='text' id='EntryParameters_ts' class='tabletwotextbox'> </td>";
trd += "</tr>";
$("#EntryParametersTableRightDataID tbody").append(trd);
I have created the ddlexitchange(txt)
for which option I'm selecting based on that option the values should disable/enable.
function ddlexitchange(txt) {
if (txt != undefined) {
if (txt.toLowerCase() == "sq off leg") {
//$("td:eq(2)").prop("disabled", true); //This functionality is not working
//$("td:eq(2) input").prop("disabled", false); // Not working also
$("td:eq(2)").prop("disabled", true); //in this 2 place I want to pass the dynamic index value of textbox like show in image(textbox)
else {
$("td:eq(2)").prop("disabled", false);
And I have tried this logic , also not working well
var currentrow = $(this).closest("tr");
currentrow.find("td:eq(0)").prop("disabled", false);
currentrow.find("td:eq(1)").prop("disabled", false);
And here I'm calling this ddlexitchange(txt)
function at dropdown control onchange='ddlexitchange(this.value);'
. By using this function the selected value is coming properly (at each row) .
Note :- My requirement is if I change any value in the drowdownlist based on the value TextBox
will disable or enable in each row separately.
Example Image is :-
Above image tell us if I select None
All TextBox
should be in disabled mode(not editable) and if I select any other TextBox
should be enable (at each row [ and we can add n number of rows ==> this is JQueryTable
Suggest me how can I achieve this dynamically.