No authorizaed to Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/write
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Following the "AI Fundamentals with Azure" course on Udacity, I went through all the practical sections up to the model deployment, where I get the following error:
ACI Service request failed. Reason: The client '741cd1ab-df80-48f7-a693-7d3b59099a0c' with object id '741cd1ab-df80-48f7-a693-7d3b59099a0c' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/write' over scope '/subscriptions/e4814fa4-a27c-445b-baf3-a93f364bb7a1/resourceGroups/udacity-exercises/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/predict-rentals2-utJr0KFWMkGUwzuOdIrD6Q' or the scope is invalid.
What to check?
Thanks in advance.
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