As the tag was set to Windows 11 this is Windows 11 64Bit Pro
Windoes server os has proved in the past to be worthless on reliable servers for always deleting and modifying settings on the security.
This is Windows 11, Running things like MySQL, Apache, FTP Servers, Game Servers, Python Servers
It is a Threadripper CPU with 512GB ram and total of about 900TB storage
In this past 'update' the system rebooted, and cleared the firewalls, decided to take it on itself to open Port 80 and all the webservers are private access for things like PhpMyAdmin, not public webservers
They general Run on Fixed Ports, SSH is normaly Disabled, its not on, FTP port is standard back to 21 when it was on port 97
Everything is set a certain way for there purpose. When Windows asks Do we want to reboot, and it takes it on itself to do it anyways without notice this causes problems.
Not only that Windows has forced 'Pins' to log on, so now each reboot someone in IT has to go to each and every station and log in
Check Securitys with a Port Scan
Then restart all the apps in the proper orders
This takes about 30min to an hour per system
We have 37 IT members when we did have 2 because of this isssue.
We have about 700 stations all with Windows 11 64 Pro
We have 28 servers with Linux (never once rebooted or given any issues or problems)
We have 7 Windows Servers 2016 that pretty much are paper weights for the forced redoing of security policies and update reboots
The only servers we have that do what supposed to are Linux
The Issue is you cant just force mass reboots without permission or the owners knowing What has been changed before hand to prepare
If I run a Bank and I have Online access servers and out of the random our servers go offline without warning, that is a problem
We run extreamly sensitive information for our clients and once again the excuse we have to give them is, Windows rebooted, changed the policies, we will get back to you when we manage to revert its damage
Till then everyone is barred from connections as we have no idea what games Microsoft is playing this time.
Windows Updates are set to NO REBOOT
Reboots as it wills anyways
So far the only thing I can see is Microsoft hates business, loves to cost businesses money and customers, and we are penalized for using there worthless os that has 'OPTIONs' but those options are merly 'Requests' and they do what ever they want.
Lord have mercy if you look at the disastar this last one did do the drivers
Microsoft in all its 'lack' of intel decides its the best authority, I see you have drivers from the Manufacture, dated last week, let me delete them and replace with OUR versions from a year ago, We know more of everyone elses stuff then they do
We have 70 printers we cant talk to now
We have 50 systems that 'lost' there GPUs and have no display
We have 0 Paid Connections that normaly is about 117k connections a day
We have 10 computers that lost there keyboards and mouse controls
We have 1 of the NAS servers that forgot it was in RAID more cause its 'RAID' drivers from the board manufacture are now 'Microsoft' drivers
We have NO nothing, other then the extream waste of money on the extra IT ppl to manage microsofts mess on a daily basis
You come here and ask HOW to DISABLE IT
Oh you need a tag for Windows Server even though you said it was for windows 11 :D again 'LACK' OF INTEL