Microsoft Defender Recommendations for vulnerability findings are not getting refreshed

Mijo Joseph 6 Reputation points

I have integrated the vulnerability assessment solution by Qualys using the ARM template in 2 of my VMs.
I used the below template

 "$schema": "",  
 "contentVersion": "",  
 "parameters": {  
 "virtualMachineName": {  
 "defaultValue": null,  
 "metadata": {  
 "description": "Name of virtual machine to create."  
 "type": "string"  
 "resources": [  
 "apiVersion": "2015-06-01-preview",  
 "name": "[concat(parameters('virtualMachineName'), '/Microsoft.Security/default')]",  
 "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/providers/serverVulnerabilityAssessments"  

But it is not refreshing the recommendations properly. Please see the image.


one of the VM is listing as unhealthy resource and another one is listing as not applicable resource.

I installed the updates and did the necessary remediation steps, kept the VM running for more than
days but it is not refreshing the recommendation for unhealthy resource. And for the not applicable resource it is saying "Findings have not been received yet for the VM".

Can some one help me on this?

Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Microsoft Defender for Cloud
An Azure service that provides threat protection for workloads running in Azure, on-premises, and in other clouds. Previously known as Azure Security Center and Azure Defender.
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