Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

Analyst_SQL 3,551 Reputation points

i am getting error

Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

Create table #Containerno (CID int,ConWEight varchar(50),Container_Rate decimal(10,4),Trucking_Charges  decimal(10,4),)  
insert into #Containerno values(444,' ', 22.01,5555)   
SELECT  convert(numeric(10,2),(isnull(c.ConWeight,0)*c.Container_Rate)+c.Trucking_Charges) as Invoice_Amount  
FROM     #Containerno c  
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Accepted answer
  1. LiHongMSFT-4306 24,361 Reputation points

    Hi @Analyst_SQL
    ISNULL: Replaces NULL with the specified replacement value.
    However in this sample, 'ConWEight' is blank value instead of NULL. Therefore you could use NULLIF to turn ' ' to NULL first and then use ISNULL, like this:

    SELECT  convert(numeric(10,2),(isnull(nullif(c.ConWeight,''),0)*c.Container_Rate)+c.Trucking_Charges) as Invoice_Amount  
    FROM  #Containerno c  

    Best regards,

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  1. Olaf Helper 42,386 Reputation points

    You try to convert ConWeight = empty string to a numeric; what for a result do you expect? It's not possible to convert a empty string to numeric and that's why you get an error message.
    ConWeight sounds like an expect numeric value; why do you strore it as varchar?

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